The New Hungarian Quarterly, 1970 (11. évfolyam, 39. szám)

European Peace and Security — János Péter What Happened to the Revolution ? — Péter Rényi Hommage á Béla Bartók at the 25th Anniversary of his Death: Bence Szabolcsi — István Ráng Biological Research in Hungary — Brúnó Straub Fall Guy for Tonight (Parts of a play) — István Csurka Education and Socialism: the Hungarian Experience István Gábor — Ferenc Pataki — Pál Sántba — Júlia Juhász — Re^so Kunfalvi You Must Like Théophile Gauthier — György G. Kardos VOL. XI ■ No. 39 ■ AUTUMN 1970 ■ ns ■ $1.50
