Acta Oeconomica 23. (1979)

1979 / 1-2. szám

ACTA OECONOMICA A MAGYAR TUDOMÁNYOS AKADÉMIA IDEGEN NYELVŰ KÖZGAZDASÁGTUDOMÁNYI FOLYÓIRATA Felelős szerkesztő: Földi Tamás Szerkesztőség: 1112 Budapest, Budaörsi út 45. 1502 Budapest Pf. 262. Megjelenik évi 2 kötetben. Megrendelhető az Akadémiai Kiadónál (1363 Bp. Pf. 24.), a külföld részére pedig a Kultúra Külkereskedelmi Vállalatnál (1389 Budapest, Postafiók 149). CONTENTS J. BOGNÁR: Relations of the CMEA with the World Economy at the Beginning of a New Era .................................................................................................................................................. 1 L. CSABA: Some Problems of the International Socialist Monetary System.............................. 17 I. LAKOS—G. OBLATH: Rate of Exchange and the Foreign Trade Price Coefficient 39 Á. MARTON: Changes in Hungarian Foreign Trade Prices since the 1920s .......................59 B. KÁDÁR: Structural Changes in the International Capital Exports .....................................75 P. ERDŐS—F. MOLNÁR: Prices, Profits, Deficit Financing. (The Case of the US Econ­omy, 1968-1977) 95 É. EHRLICH: The Model of Japan’s Closing up: Two-Pole Industrialization.......................131 G. HIDASI: China’s Economy in the Late 1970s and its Development Prospects up to the Mid-1980s 157 ECONOMISTS AND ECONOMIC THOUGHT J. KORNAI: The Oeuvre of Kenneth J. Arrow........................................................................................193 REVIEWS B. BARTA: Social Services in Hungary in the Light of International Data .......................205 News about the Hungarian Economic Science ....................................................................................224 BOOK REVIEWS I. TÖMPE: Investment Decisions Aimed at Structural Transformation (S. RICHTER) . 225 R. ANDORRA: Determinants of Fertility in Advanced Societies (K. MILTÉNYI) . . . 226 BOOKS RECEIVED
