Acta Oeconomica 25. (1980)

1-2. szám

ACTA OECONOMICA A MAGYAR TUDOMÁNYOS AKADÉMIA IDEGEN NYELVŰ KÖZGAZDASÁGTUDOMÁNYI FOLYÓIRATA Felelős szerkesztő: Földi Tamás Szerkesztőség: 1112 Budapest, Budaörsi út 45. 1502 Budapest Pf. 262. Megjelenik évi 2 kötetben. Megrendelhető az Akadémiai Kiadónál (1363 Pf. 24.), a külföld részére pedig a Kultúra Külkereskedelmi Vállalatnál (1389 Budapest, Postafiók 149). CONTENTS I. T. BEREND: Hungary’s Road to the Seventies............................................................................... 1 M. TARDOS: The Role of Money: Economic Relations between the State and the Enter­prises in Flungary ....................................................................................................................................19 M. LAKI: End-Year Rush-Work in Hungarian Industry and Foreign Trade..................................37 J. TÍMÁR: About Commuting...........................................................................................................................67 S. PÁSZTOR: How Open the Hungarian Economy Is: an International Comparison ... 81 L. CSABA : Impacts of World Economic Changes on the CMEA.....................................................93 L. SZAMUELY: Trends of Social Development in Advanced Capitalist Countries up to the Turn of the Millennium................................................................................................................117 REVIEWS R. NYERS : Small Enterprises in Socialist Hungary..............................................................................147 K. SZIKRA FALUS: Wage Differentials in Hungary..........................................................................163 COMMENTS AND CRITICISMS L. DRECHSLER: A Biassed Profession or a Biassed Critique?............................................................173 P. KÖVES: Do We Measure Development Correctly?.........................................................................180 M. ZAFÍR: The Growth Rate as Reflected in “Recent Investigations”.........................................188 A. BRÓDY : On the Discussion about Measurement — a Rejoinder ‘..............................................191 BOOK REVIEWS L. ZELKÓ: International Value — International Prices (L. CSABA)..............................................199 G. KOVÁCS : Future Research and Social Planning (Á. SCHMIDT)..............................................200 A. GIMES BURGER : Consumption of and Demand for Vegetables and Fruits (I. BENET) 204 M. LA VIGNE : Les relations économiques Est-Ouest (E. KEMENES)......................................206 BOOKS RECEIVED
