Acta Oeconomica 28. (1982)

1982 / 1-2. szám

ACT A OECONOMICA A MAGYAR TUDOMÁNYOS AKADÉMIA IDEGEN NYELVŰ KÖZGAZDASÁGTUDOMÁNYI FOLYÓIRATA Felelős szerkesztő: Földi Tamás Szerkesztőség: 1112 Budapest, Budaörsi út 45. 1502 Budapest Pf. 262. Megjelenik évi 2 kötetben. Megrendelhető az Akadémiai Kiadónál (1363 Bp. Bf. 24). a külföld részére pedig a Kultúra Külkereskedelmi Vállalatnál (1389 Budapest, Postafiók 199). CONTENTS L. HÉTHY : Economic Policy and Wage-System in Hungary................................................. 1 K. SZIKRA FALUS: Some Human Factors of Innovation in Hungary ..........................19 A. INZELT: Economic Sensitivity in Technological Development in Hungary .................37 P. BIHARI: On (Structural) Unemployment..............................................................................53 G. KERTESI: Two Types of Development of Small-Scale Industry in Hungary.................71 M. LAKI: Liquidation and Merger in the Hungarian Industry .............................................87 G. HAVAS: Public Savings and Production Finance .............................................................109 E. FÁBRI: Superficial Changes and Deep Tendencies in Inventory Processes in Hungary 133 J. WINIECKI: Investment Cycles and an Excess Demand Inflation in Planned Economies: Sources and Processes...........................................................................................................147 I. LAKOS: Hungarian Export Performance in Western Countries......................................163 REVIEWS B. SZIKSZAY: Aspects of the International Coordination of National Economic Plans . 179 P. MÁNDI: The Third EADI Conference Held in Budapest .................................................185 COMMENTS AND CRITICISMS Z. KRASZNAI: Transnational Enterprises in the New World Economic Situation . . . 195 BOOK REVIEWS F. KOZMA: The Structurally Open Economy (T. PALÁNKAI) ...........................................205 M. TARDOS (ed.): Enterprise Behaviour — Enterprise Environment (K. SZÉKFFY) . 207 K. BOSSÁNYI—M. KOVÁCS—A. VARGA: From the Life of Hungarian Enterprises (M. LAKI) ...................................................................................................................................212 M. KUPA: Income Distribution, State Budget, Economic Processes (L. CSABA) .... 216 E. Y. VILKAS—E. Z. MAYMINAS: Decision: Theory, Information, Modelling . (A. SIMONOVITS)..................................................................................................................220 BOOKS RECEIVED
