Acta Oeconomica 31. (1983)

1983 / 1-2. szám

ACTA OECONOMICA ECONOMIC PERIODICAL OF THE HUNGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Editor: Tamás Földi Editorial office: H-1112 Budapest, Budaörsi út 45. Hungary H-1502 Budapest, P.O.B. 262 Published in two volumes a year. Orders can be placed with Kultura Foreign Trading Company (H-1389 Budapest, P.O.Box 149) or Akadémiai Kiadó (H-1363 Budapest, P.O.Box 24). CONTENTS B. CSIKÓS-NAGY: Liquidity Troubles and Economic Consolidation in Hungary...................................1 T. BÁCSKAI — É. VÁRHEGYI: Monetization of the Hungarian Economy.......................................... 13 GY HAJPÁL: Valuation of the Economic Role of the Human Factor ...................................................23 A. BRÓDY: About Investment Cycles and their Attenuation...................................................................37 A. SIPOS: Relations between Enterprises in the Agro-Industrial Sphere in Hungary...........................53 I. GÖNCZI: Division of Labour and Work Organization in the Hungarian Large-Scale Agricultural Production................................................................................................................................................71 ZS. DÁNIEL: Public Housing, Personal Income and Central Redistribution in Hungary...................87 P. KNIRSCH: Political and Economic Determinants of East-West Economic Relations.................... 105 COMMENTS AND CRITICISMS A. KÖVES: “Implicit Subsidies” and Some Issues of Economic Relations within the CMEA .......... 125 BOOK REVIEWS J. KORNAI - B. MARTOS (eds): Non-Price Control. J. KORNÁL Growth, Shortages and Effi­ciency (P. Medvegyev).........................................................................................................................137 T.I.BEREND: Seeking New Economic Ways. 1956-1965. The History of the Hungarian Model of a Socialist Economy (G. Révész).................................................................................................... 141 A. INZELT: Competitiveness and Changes in the Industrial Structure (Gy. Marosán Jr.)................. 144 I. GYÖNGYÖSSY: Functioning of the Contemporary International Monetary System (M. Brüll)... 147 F. MACHLUP: Knowledge: Its Creation, Distribution and Economic Significance. Knowledge and Knowledge Production (P.Mändi).................................................................................................... 149 BOOKS RECEIVED
