Acta Oeconomica 33. (1984)

1984 / 1-2. szám

ACTA OECONOMICA ECONOMIC PERIODICAL OF THE HUNGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Editor: Tamás Földi Editorial office: H-1112 Budapest, Budaörsi út 45. Hungary H-1502 Budapest, P.O.B. 262 Published in two volumes a year. Orders can be placed with Kultura Foreign Trading Company (H-1389 Budapest, P.O.Box 149) or Akadémiai Kiadó (H-1363 Budapest, P.O.Box 24). CONTENTS K. FALUS-SZIKRA : Distribution According to Work and the Reform in Hungary ................. 1 I. HAGELMA YER : Concept of the State Budget for the New Phase in Hungary ................... 17 P. MEDGYESSY: Debt Policy of the Socialist State ...................................................................... 31 L. SZAMUELY: The Second Wave of the Economic Mechanism Debate and the 1968 Reform in Hungary ................................................................................................................................ 43 A. RÁBA: Restriction and Adjustment.......................................................................... 69 B. KÁDÁR: The External Economic Framework and the Conditions of Accelerating Hungarian Growth ....................................................... 89 T. ERDŐS : The Development of Investment Purchasing Power: Theoretical Questions............... 105 Á. TÖRÖK: Sectoral and Enterprise Structure of Net Exports Settled in Convertible Currency of the Hungarian Industry ...................................................................................................... 127 COMMENTS AND CRITICISM A. KÖVES: On New Trends in International Industrial Development and the Division of Labour 147 REVIEWS I. KOVÁCS: The Development of Liying Standards in Hungary from 1975 to 1983 ................ 155 M. JUHÁSZ Enterprise Incomes in Hungary, Their Generation, Distribution and Differentiation 166 BOOK REVIEWS M. AUGUSZTINOVICS (ed.): Long-Term Models at Work (E. Zalai)........................................... 181 Public Finance in Hungary (Gy. Kovács) ....................................................................................... 186 I. T. BEREND-GY. RÁNKI: The European Periphery and Industrialization 1780-1914. (D. Young) . .......................................................................................................................... 189 S. F. PROWEN (ed.): Controlling Industrial Economics (B. Botos) ............................................... 191 S. ESTRIN: Self-Management: Economic Theory and Yugoslav Practice (S. Richter) ............... 193 BOOKS RECEIVED
