Hő-Víz-Gáz-Lég Technika, 1947-1948 (1. évfolyam, 1. szám - 2. évfolyam, 1-6. szám)

1947-01-01 / 1. szám

CALCULATION OF THE LOSS OF HEAT OF BUILDINGS By Árpád Macskasy Contrai heatings in Hungary are calculated mostly on the basis of —20° C exterior temperature, which causes an overdimensioning of installations by about 15- to 33 p. c. This is shown by the theorem of „Number of degree-days“. This hitherto in Hungary unknown theorem is exp.aintd and a tab.e is given of 35 more important and e.im.tically most charac­teristic towns with their „Number of degree-days“ average temperatures, variations, number of heating­­dayfe and the calculated or’ proposed minimal exterior temperatures as basis of the determination of measures of ■ the installation. As result the useful capacities of installations are calculated for the whole year, for winter or for January ошу, to be for the country of about 40 to 60 p. c. Author introduces the concept of equivalent exterior temperatures, causing the same lots of heat at calculated wind-conditions re real temperature and real wind would cause at the same time. It is shown that in Budapest were during the last 75 years and their most cold two days only 1 to 2 hours during which the equivalent exlerior temperature exceeded —10« C, whereas for the country the equivalent temperatures are given for climatically more favoured towns at —12», for others —15° C and only for p.aces above 800 m level oversea of —20° C as basis to determine the required measures of the installation. 3 tables are given which show that the steam is consumed if we me a turbine of the conn 1 erpression type alone und use so much of the lost heaf or hot water as required for the generation of electric power demanded for the heatpumps and other purposes. In Fig. 1. the straight line y, the equation of wlnjh is given tinder 3., shows the connection between the recovered heat and ■ electric current for consumption, under most favourable conditions. Fig. 2. shows the alternative chareacteristics of working conditions, i. e. different demands of heat following the change of exterior temperature and no current for the network. CONNECTION BETWEEN THE WIDTH OF WELLS AND THEIR YIELD OF WATER By Kálmán Magyar Starting from the equation by Thiem we may derive the connection between the diameter of the well and the yield of waiter as well as between the thickness of the water-conducting layer and the yield of water, which functions maybe also drawn diagramatically. The first diagram gives the width of the well (for pitted wells as well as tubed wells) forming the limit of economical diameters for the wanted yields. The second diagram, show that wells of equal diameter and equal physical properties of the water-conducting layer, but of different thicknesses of the layer are yielding (at equal percentage of depression) in quadratical propor­tion of the thickness of the layer. Consequently the yield of water depends principally from the thickness of the layer. This gives us the possibility of calculating under given conditions of the layer the most economic diameter of wells for a wanted yield of water. SUMMARY WORKING CONDITIONS OF HEATINGPOWER­­PLANTS WITH HEATPUMPS By Károly Modrovich Lost heats of less Ilian 45 to 50» C or the heat of hot­­springs m y be recuperated very advantageous'y by heatpumps if those are driven by e'ectric current from a heatpowerplant. Given the demanded quantities of heat- and electric-energies and of the lost heat, we may calculate the necessary quantities of steam and other characteristic data of the equipment. ^5- hűtő. szárító, szellőző, ködtelenitó, légnedvedlő, pneumatikus transport­­berendezések. Automatikus KOMPRESSZOROK telepek: jégayártá ra. áruk konzervá­lására. Légvonal szerkesztésű VENTILÁTOROK minden célra és teljsítményre. SCHUBAUER mérnök. Budapest, III.. Föld utca 67b Telefon: 362 371. BALÁZS ISTVÁN KÖZPONTI FŰTÉS, VÍZVEZETÉK, CSATORNÁZÁS ÉS EGÉSZSÉG­­ÜGYI BERENDEZÉSEK VÁLLALATA BUDAPEST, VIII., AGGTELEKI UTCA 7. TELEFON: 137-477. THERMOELECTRIC SAFETY-IGNITION By József Beczkóy The basic construction of the safety pilots is explained with a detailed description of a thermoelectric type being in use in Hungary. Testing data show, that the currents generated by the one thermocouple of the decice can amount to more than 1 ampere thus generat­ing abundant flux in the electromagnet. Jó szellőzést, központi fűtést és víz­vezetéket készít HALÁSZ ERNŐ oki. gm. és Tsa cégtul. FÉK 1IKSA gépészmérnök központi fűtés, vízveztékszereléi vállalata *3« Budapest, xm., Csángó u. 23. Telefon: 200-435.
