Hidrológiai Közlöny 1941 (21. évfolyam)

A Magyarhoni Földtani Társulat Hidrológiai Szakosztályának jelenlegi tisztikara (1941). Tiszteletbeli tagok: Far hass Sándor, Horusitzky Henrik, Rohringer Sándor, Emszi Kálmán dr. Elnök: Vendl Aladár dr. Társelnökök: Pap Ferenc vezérigazgató és Vigh Gyula dr. Titkár helyettes: Körössy László dr. A számvizsgáló bizottság tagjai: László Gábor és Posewitz Guidó Ditróy János Gedeon Tihamér Horusitzky Ferenc Lászlóffy Woldemár Lóczy Lajos Mazalán Pál Választmányi tagok: Noszky Jenő (id.) Papp Ferenc (m. tanár) Papp Rémig Papp Simon Pávai-Vajna Ferenc Schmidt Eligius Schréter Zoltán Sarló Károly Sümeghy József Telegdi-Roth Károly Vitális Sándor Vojcsik Lipót. The Budapest Municipal „Széchenyi" Thermal-Min erat Bath. The building of the „Széchenyi Thermal-Mineral Bath" lies in one of the finest Parts of the Metropolis: the Városliget. The Mineral-water of the Széchenyi-bath is supplied by the well-known „Artesian-Spring", the radio-active and sulphurous waters of wich burst forth from a depth of 970 metres. Its temperature is 74° Celsius. Healing-Factors of every kind are at the disposition of the patients, under the permanent control of specialists. Such are: carbonic acid baths, hotair treatment, electric-baths and electric treatment, diathermia, mechanical therapy, mud-packing, with the radio-active mud of Kolop, and drinking-cures. Cases proposed for Treatment: The healing factors are applied succes­fully in cases of deformations of the joints and muscles, caused by rheumatism and gout such as exudations, contractions and stiffness of the joints. Moreover, illnesses of the central and peripheric nervous system, the degeneration of the spinal marrow, paralysis, resulting from neuritis, lumbago and especially sciatica and the different forms of nervous debility. These same methods of curing also have a beneficial effect in cases of the diseases of the bloodcirculation system, weakness of the muscles of the heart, arteriosclerosis, illnesses of women troubles of the metabolic process, such as gout, obesity, chronicle lues, scrofula, skin diseases and metalpoisoning. The drinking-cure, which enhances the efficacy of the baths, can be used with particularly good result againts chronic catarrhs of the throat, lungs, stomach and intestines, abdominal complaints, bilious affections, constipation, nephritic troubles, catarrh of the bladder and gout.
