Katolikus Szemle 6. (1954, Róma)

1. szám

SUMMARY The Easter issue of the KATOLIKUS SZEMLE recalls the tenth anniversary of the canonisation of St. Margaret, daughter of the thirteenth-century Hun­garian King Béla IV., who was offered by her parents to God as a nun, to obtain the grace of Hungary's liberation from the Mongolian invaders. On this occasion Lujza Galántai exhorts us to beseech God for Hungary's pea­ceful liberation from her present oppressors and suggests a national vow to restore the ruins of St. Margaret' s monastery on the Danubian island at Budapest and make of it a national sanctuary of perpetual adoration. Imre Várady, professor of Hungarian language and literature at the Uni­versity of Bologna, presents the eminent Transylvanian novelist, Albert Wass, and analyses some of his novels written in exil. Also the last pages of his splendid novel Tizenhárom Almafa are printed in this issue. Magda Bárány-Oberschall describes the Hungarian objects of the Metro­politan Museum of New York. Gellért Békés explains the development and theological meaning of the Church's doctrine concerning the Blessed Virgin Mary and shows its connection with Holy Scripture. In refutation of the Hungarian communist interpretation of an article by Louis de Broglie, the outstanding French professor of Physics, Komán Rezek presents a letter of Prof. de Broglie, in which he himself denies the materia­lism imputed to him. I. L. Erdélyi, a young Hungarian physicist who lives in Brasil, gives an interesting synthesis of the historical development of the concept of matter. Following our series of Convert-Portraits, we publish the self-confession of A. T. Ree, professor of Natural Sciences at the University of Seul in Korea. We present also two poems concerning Our Blessed Lady by Gyula Juhász and Gellért Békés. In the rest of the number I. Bácsalmási deals with the state of public education in Communist-Hungary, D. Nemestóthy gives an account of the Berlin Conference and Kóródy-Katona writes about the coming world congress of the Marian Congregations. Accounts of papal sermons, commemoration of the fifth anniversary of the arrest of Cardinal Mindszenty, and other Church-news, especially from behind the Iron Curtain, and book reviews complete this issue. LAPUNK TERJESZTŐI: ARGENTINA: Délamerikai Magyarság Casilla Correo 1483 BUENOS AIRES AUSZTRÁLIA: Stanley György 48 Kenneth Street. LONGUEVILLE. N. S. W. Sydney AUSZTRIA: Vasváry József Seestrasse 1. BREGENZ BELGIUM: Dr. Déry Béla 23, rue Paul Emil Janson BRÜSSEL BRAZÍLIA: P. Jordán Emil Caixa Postai 3081. SAO PAOLO. EGYESÜLT ÁLLAMOK: Tarnóczy Ádám 527 East 78 Street, Apt 3. NEW YORK 21. N. Y. HOLLANDIA: Kooter M. Hona Rozenstraat 37. ALKMAAR KANADA: Sté. Keleny 3650 St. Laurent Blvd. MONREAL NAGYBRITÁNNIA: Utczás Márta 8. Bentinck Close Regent' s. Park Prince Albert Road. LONDON N. W. 8. NÉMETORSZÁG: Rev. Ádám György Gabelsbergstrasse 23/4 MÜNCHEN 23. OLASZORSZÁG: (a szerkesztőségen kívül) Marion Spiero Via Piamonte da Vimercate 3. MILANO SVÁJC: Dr. Rev. Fábián Károly Hottingerstrasse 30. ZÜRICH SVÉDORSZÁG: Rev. Gáspár Pál Götgatan 58 A. STOCKHOLM VENEZUELA: Cultura Libreria International Cipreses a Miracielos No. 8. CARACAS
