Katolikus Szemle 9. (1957, Róma)

1. szám

ÍSUMMARY The Easter issue of the KATOLIKUS SZEMLE commemorates the 30th anni­versary of the death of Bishop Ottokár Prohászka, the great apostle of the Catholic revival in Hungary. He died on April 2, 1927, as santiy as he lived, preaching in the University Church of Budapest. His statue erected by the gra­titude of his people, was later destroyed by Communist and other subversive elements in 1946. We are printing one of his conferences delivered during World War I, in which he enuntiates the need of Christian souls to bear witness to the eternal moral truths in the world today. Sensing the profound importance of the Hungarian October Revolution, both for our country and the whole world, we treat various aspects in order to understand more deeply its true significance. There is a commentary by Márton Hegyi on an important article of the Rheinischer Merkur, which demonstrates how the youth of Hungary is convinced of its ideals of personal freedom, social justice and solidarity of free nations, and, moreover, how they found these truths so vastly superior to the Communist ideology that it led them to their own heroic role in their people's revolution. A young freedom fighter gives glimpses of the days of the revolution which clearly indicate their strong human values, contrasting the absurdities of the Communistic propaganda blurb. Gerő B. Somogyi gives a detailed account of the violent reaction of the French left wing writers who were appalled at the brutal Russian intervention and oppression of the Revolution. Tibor Hanák, a young Hungarian thinker, analyzes the ideological back­ground of Communism, and in doing so proves that so-called Marxist Humanism is, in fact, Antihumanism. There are verses of young Hungarian poets expressing their patriotic feelings and faith in the future freedom of our country. The remarkable short story of István Eszíerhás, a Hungarian novelist who lives in the US, draws a characteristic figure of the Hungarian worker who emigrated to America before World War I. Succumbing to Communist propa­ganda, he is at last brought to his senses when he met new emigrants, and especially a boy who was wounded by Communist guards, after the October Revolution. In this issue we pay respect to the late regent, of Hungary. Miklós Horthy de Nagybánya, who died in exile in Portugal February 9th of this year. And there are other features and articles of varied interest. There is a commentary on world events by Dénes Nmesíóthy which shows the East's and West's efforts to reconsolidate their position in their respective sphere's of influence. A summary of the Christmas radio message of the Holy Father, diverse Church news and selected book reviews complete this issue. KIADÓHIVATALUNKBAN BESZEREZHETŐ KÖNYVEK DÁM INCE: A Szeplőtelen Fogantatás vé­delme Magyarországon a Hunyadiak és Jagellók korában. - Ára: 50 cent. TÓTH LÁSZLÓ: A Jánus-arcú jelenkori magyar irodalom. - Ára: 20 cent. MIHÁLYI GILBERT: Európa válsága és megmentése. - Ára 1 $. VECSEY LAJOS: Hunyadi. - Ára: 2.50 $. VECSEY LAJOS: Az Imádságok bullája " és a déli harangszó. Latin-magyar kiadás. - Ára: 50 cent. CSIKY ÁGNES MÁRIA: Megálló a to­ronynál. Regény. - Ára: 40 cent. DÉLAMERIKAI MAGYAR HÍRLAP ÉV­KÖNYVE 1957. - Ára: 1.50 $. ACTIO CATHOLICA HUNGARORUM in EXTERIS ROMA KATOLIKUS SZEMLE Redattore ed Editoré Responsabile: ALBERTO AMBRO Tipografia « La Síera » - Viale di Trastevere, 141 - Tel. 588-&Ö7 - ROMA
