Képes Sport, 2015. április-június (13. évfolyam, 14-26. szám)

2015-04-01 / 14. szám

UEFA TM DWAM.KUS)kTÍK0SKÁ«2 REAL MADRID CF ONLINE CHAtJ (^Rhallengf NEW OFFICIAL UEFA CHAMPIONS LEAGUE® 201A/2015 UPDATE EDITION CHAMPIONS LEAGUE Activate the card by going to www.paniniadrenalyn.com Inserting the code printed on the back of it! Manage your virtual binder and set up your own line up. Play versus hundreds of challengers, invite your friends and use your cards to beat them ; \ ij * T / fluiÉ w: . v v WfMjkhür J a J jgim IcL-l ^ 1 SidjFIL' ? ? 1 ■■R*/ i. XE ÚJ KIADÁS - MÁR KAPHATÓ! CHAMPIONS \ LEAGUE y Manufactured under licence by All names, logos and trophies of UEFAare the property, registerred trademarks and/or logosof UEFA and are used here in with the permission of UEFA.No reproduction is allowed without the prior written approval of UEFA. All club names,club logos and individual players names are the property of the respective club or person. UEFA shall bear noresponsibilityfor the use of these names and/or logos. www.paniniadrenalyn.com
