Acta Biologica 12. (1961)

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INDEX Bohus, G. — Gláz, E.—Scheiber, Б.: The antibiotic action of higher Fungi on resistant Bacteria and Fungi ............................................................................................................................. 1 Búzás, G. — Matkovics, B. — Kovács, E.: The effect of alcohol, acetaldehyde and diffuse I light on the reaction on the horse-radish peroxidase-ascorbic acid system.................... 13 Hadházy, Cs. — Oláh, E. —László, M. — Kostenszky, K.: Untersuchungen über die Knor­pelbildung. Y. Über den Mechanismus der bei der Neodifferenzierungs-Knorpel­­bildung eintretenden Respirationssenkung................................................................................ 17 Zador, S.: Studies on the growth phases of bacterial cultures........................................................ 35 Faludi, В. -Csukás-Szatlóczky, I, —Faludi-Dániel, Á.: Gametic transmission to the к larvae of labelled phosphorus incorporated by Drosophila melanogaster............... 47 ! Vályi-Nagy, T.— Hernádi, F. — Jeney, A.: Search for antagonistic Actinomycetae in Hungarian soils. I. Antagonistic Streptomyces contents of certain kinds of soil. ... 59 Vályi-Nagy, T. — Hernádi, F.—Jeney; A.—Valu, G.: Search for antagonistic Actino­mycetae in Hungarian soils. II. Studies of the Streptomyces flora in a defined geo­graphical region....................................................................................................................................... 69 Farkas, T. — Herodek, S. — Csáki, L.—Tóth, G.: Incorporation of acetate-1-1'1 C into the liver fatty acids in the fish Amiurus nebulosus ................................................................. 83 Áros, B.—Vigh, B.: Neurosecretory changes in the nervous system of Lumbricus rubellus Hoffm. provoked by various experimental influences ................................................... 87 Salánki, J.: Studies on localization of the influence of potassium ions in connection with the regulation of the slow rhythm in the periodic activity of the fresh water mussel 99 Ferenczy, L.—Matkovics, B.: Studies on indoleacetic acid precursors. II. On the activity and selectivity of tryptamine and indoleacetonitrile............................................ 107 Ferenczy, L. — Zsolt, J.—Vinkler, E. — Klivényi, F.: Antimicrobial activity of aroma­tic thiolsulphonates and thiolsulphinates................................................................................... 121 Fayez, M. A. — Rapp ay, Gy.: Notes on the histochemistry of the adenohypophysis and adrenal gland of the female domestic pigeon (Columba domestica)................................... 127 Fayez, M. A. -Rappay, Gy.: Notes on the histochemistry of the adenohypophysis and adrenal gland of the domestic fowl (Gallus domesticus)........................................................ 133 Minker, E. —Dómján, G.: Histochemical studies of phosphatases in the intramural ganglion cells of the intestinal canal of Helix pomatia........................................................ 137 Nász, I, — Lengyel, A. — Dán, P.: Adaptation of continuous cultures of human amniotic and Detroit-6 cells to heterologous sera....................................................................................... 141 Younis, A. E.: Assimilation of ammonia by radish root slices........................................................ 147 Felföldy, L. J. M.: Effect of temperature on photosynthesis in three unicellular green algal strains .............................................................................................................................................. 153 Salánki, J.: Role of afferentation in the regulation of the slow rhythm in the periodic activ­ity of fresh water mussels .................................................................................................................. 161
