Acta Biologica 32. (1981)

1. szám

ЮDITOR J. SALÁNKI EDITORIAL HOARD V. C vS Á N Y I D. DUDITS K. ELEKES (Editorial Assistant) B. FLERKÓ J. KOVÁCS vSt. K R O M P E C H E R G. R AP P A Y G. S Z E K E L Y A. T I G Y I 1. TÖR 6 (Chairman) V О I, U M E 3 2 N U M B E R I AKADÉMIAI K I A D Ó BUDAPEST 1981 ABAHAU 32 (1) 1—98 (1981) CONTENTS PÉCZELY, P. Pethes, G.: Effect of ovariectomy and of thyroxine treatment on the plusinu level of corticosterone of the female Japanese cpiail.................................... 1 Siiain, M. Л. —Dobozy, O. Csaba, G.: The effect of adrenocorticotropic hormone (АСТИ) on embryonic chicken gonads....................................................................... 7 Csaba, G. Bierbauer, J.: Effect of cortisol, deoxycorticosterone and 19-nortrsto­steronc on the gainetogenesis of the snail Helix pomatia............................................... 15 Hernádi, I-.: Light nnd electron microscopic investigation of the sensory cell bodies in the epidermis of the foot of the snail Helix pomatia L........................................... 19 Takács, Ö. Szöőr, A. Sohár, I.- Kesztyűs, L.- Guba, F.: Experimental inves­tigations on the hypokinesis of skeletal muscles with different functions, V........... 33 Bánfalvi, G. Csuzi, О. — Онmiaum, Л. Antoni, F.: Separation of ATP-dependent DNase to ATPase and DNase........................................................................................... 45 Méhes, К. Hajnóczy, К.: Non-random centromere division: Analysis of G-handed human chromosomes ........................................................................................... 55 Hóm, Zs. — Antal, K. - Szabad, J.: Nonmutngenic activity of the nitroprusside......... 61 ZwiERZ, K. TOMASZEWSKI, A. — RÓ/AN8KI, A. — KrECZKO, s.: Glycoprotein metabolismin the guinea-pig gastric mucosa in chronic metribuzin poisoning 69 E. Takács, I. Szabó, J. Nosztay, K. Szegi, J.: Comparison of ATPase activity of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum fraction from rut and dog............................... 75 SciiARLiK, M. Fehér, Zs. — Szabó, G.: The effect of polyethylene glycol on the DNA uptake in ISeurotpora crasxn.......................................................................................... 83
