Acta Ethnographica 37. (1991-1992)

1991-92 / 1-4. szám

CONTENTS WITCH BELIEFS AND WITCH-HUNTING IN CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE Gábor Klaniczav - Éva Pőcs: Introduction ............................................................................................... 7 WITCH-HUNTING IN THE REGION (XVTH-XVIIITH CENTURIES) Andreas Blauert: Hexen'wahn' und Hexenverfolgung im Gebiet der heutigen Schweiz während des 15. Jahrhunderts ..................................................................................................................... 17 Wolfgang Behringer: Das Wetter, der Hunger, die Angst. Gründe der europäischen Hexenver­folgungen in Klima-, Sozial- und Mentalitätsgeschichte. Das Beispiel Süd­deutschlands ..................................................................................................................................... 27 Vincenc Rajsp: Hexenprozesse in Slowenien .................................................................................. 51 Gábor Klaniczay: Witch-hunting in Hungary: Social or cultural tensions? ............................... 67 Ildikó Kristóf: "Wise women", sinners and the poor: The social background of witch-hunt­ing in a 16th-18th century Calvinist city of Eastern Hungary ................................... 93 WITCHCRAFT AND OTHER MAGICAL BELIEFS - HISTORY AND FOLKLORE Mary Rose O'Neil: Missing footprints: Maleficium in Modena .......................................................... 123 Maja Boskovió-Stulli : Hexensagen und Hexenprozesse in Kroatien .................................................. 143 6 6 5tanisiav Bylina: Magie, sorcellerie et culture popularie en Pologne aux XV et XVI siècles ................................................................................................................................................ 173 A. V. Kurotschkin: Hexengestalt in der ukrainischen Folkloretradition ................................... 191 Lesia Mouchketique: Les Croyances démonologiques du folklore de la contrée limitrophe de l'Ukraine et de la Hongrie ......................................................................................................... 201 Vilmos Voigt: La belle dame sans merci - Homok/Amhagen 1735 ........................................................ 215 Laura de Mello e Souza: Witchcraft and magic practices in colonial Brazil: 1580-1770 ... 243 LEARNED DEMONOLOGIES AND POPULAR MYTHOLOGIES. ORIGINS AND PATTERNS OF THE WITCHES' SABBATH György Endre SzSnyi: Conjuror, sorcerer, witch. Courtly and university contexts in late Renaissance Central Europe ......................................................................................................... 259 Stuart Clark: Witchcraft and popular culture in protestant demonology: Some Central European examples ........................................................................................................................... 273 Carlo Ginzburg: The philosopher and the witches: An experiment in cultural history......... 283 Gustav Henningsen: The white sabbath and other archaic patterns of witchcraft ................... 293 Éva Pócs: Popular foundations of the witches' sabbath and the devil's pact in Central and Southeastern Europe ............................................................................................................... 305 THE DECLINE OF WITCH BELIEFS - THE VICTORY OF LEARNED (JUDICIAL, MEDICAL, PHILOSOPHICAL) PARADIGM5 Robert Muchembled: Variations sur une énigme: La fin des bûchers de sorcellerie ............... 373 Alfred Soman: Decriminalizing witchcraft: Does the French experience furnish a European model? .................................................................................................................................................. 379 MAGYAR TUDOMÁNYOS АКАОЁМ1Д KÖNYVTARA
