Szabad Magyarság, 1961. január-december (6. évfolyam, 1-49. szám)

1961-01-01 / 1. szám

2. oldal SZABAD MAGYARSÁG 1961. január 1 Z ' r'ÍN ^ 9. ^ - » ftCf HUNGARIANS Níw^AFe. MAGYARSÁG “Weekly except two weeks in August” “Megjelenik hetenkint, kivéve két hetet augusztusban." The Magyar Publishing Co. Inc., New York, N.Y. Szerkeszti: a Szerkesztő Bizottság. Editoriéi, Publinhing Office & Printing — Szerkesztőség, Kiadóhivatal éa nyomda: 216 West 18th. Street New York 11, N. Y. Telephoné: OR 5-5076 222 — Secend-class mail privileges authorized at New York, New York. — Sabecripticn Rates: One Year $ 10. Six Months $ 5.50 Three Months $ 3. Anti-semitism a Political Weapon? (Cont. from page 1) System, moreover, we are nőt pro­­moters of anti-semitism, “Szabad Magyarság” (Free ■Hungarians) is the manifestation ©f shares owned by séveral thou­­sand American citizens. Your ac­cusations, therefore, compromise the corporation’s credit. No nazis ©r individuals with nazi back­­ground hold positions on the pub­lishing company’s Board of Di­­rectors, or in its editoriul or publishing offices. As can be determined by the above, your indictment ínsults eeveral thousand American citi­zens, the búik of our shareowners, to whose wishes and demands our poiicies conform. We must retort the attacks of extremist groups, referring pri­­marily to editor Zoltán Klar and his Hungárián defaming com­­munist founded weekly “Az Em­ber” (The Mán), which was at ©ne time included on the sub­­versive list. “Az Ember” (The Mán) subjects our nationality’s every group, their leaders, our politicians and our press, com­­•nencing with Cardinal Mindszenty, protestant Bishop Béky and the chief executive of the Hungárián American League to the rudest insults aiqj accusations printable. (We would offer the provocative issues of “Az Ember” (The Mán) fo your confidants as authentica­­tion.) Being urg.ed by the infuriated majority of our readers, we are forced to print the names of- our glanderers. This is nőt anti-semit­ism, bút justified defense against the defamers of all that is Hun­gárián; in fact it is self defense. On our part, we have on several ©ccasions appealed to the Amer­ican Jewry, (in our publication) that it silence the Hungárián de­famers and that it nőt ignore our attempts at coming to an under­­standing. We again suggest the following to the Committee and its members: We can, with your help, render the attacks, destructive accusa­tions and slander, propagated by extremist groups, effectless, there­fore, if you are willing to listen to our grievances and even to aid us in eliminating the disturb­­ances, we shall nőt preoccup.v ©urselves with these extremist groups are drawing us, is totally lacking, in motive. It merely isquanders superfluosly that energy which could be employed in con­­etructive work. We ask you therefore to make ©ur request an object of conside­­ration and, in the interest of inutual uncjerstanding, to come to ©ur assistance. We request further, that you advocate the publication of this communiqué, by the New York Times. We have forwarded a dup­­iicate of this letter to the editor of the above mentioned paper. fcince the totally ungrounded ac­cusations rang before a multitude of readers, we firmly believe that our aspirations in this direction are justified. Respectfully THE MAGYAR PUBLISHING Co. Inc. The Board of Directors Nine signatures * On December 5, 1960 we sent a copy of Szabad Magyarság Vol. 5. No. 48 in registered letter No. 419053 to A.J.C. and no 419054 to Mr. Irving Spiegel of the New York Times. According to receipts the addressees received the letters. In following we publish the second letter. American Jewish Committee 156 East 56th Street NEW YORK, 22, N.Y. December 9, 1960. Registered. Dear Sirs: According to an artiele by Ir­­ving Spiegel in New York Times on October 30, 1960. Mr. Herbert B. Ehrmann president of your committee reported about growing international network of nazism. He expressed serious concern about Neo-Nazi activities, which are rooted in anti-democratic, anti­­semitic and totalitarian philoso­­phies. The report charges that Latin American organizations and its propaganda is both anti-Amer­­ican and anti-semitic. The report alsó charged that Hungárián fascist groups are now operating, in the United States. These elements, the report com­ments, must be clearly distinguish­­ed from decent and loyal Hun­gárián majority in this country. The report identifies a New York weekly “Free Hungary” as a periodical which publishes un­­bridled anti-democratic and anti­­semitic propaganda. According to our knowledge there is no “Free Hungary” weekly in New York, íbut a weekly by the inamé “Free Hunga­rians” 216 West 18th Street, New York 11, N.Y. If the above report does aim at us, we would appreciate to discuss this matter with you, in English of edurse. We have been called fascists, nazis and anti­­semites before, bút we never heard that we are an important part of a world-wide organization. This has been a surprise even to us! Alsó there is a very interesting question. What organization or person in the USA has the quali­­fications to distinguish between Hungarians who are “decent and loyal” and who are nőt? Further, what are the prerequisites fór Hungárián decency and loyalty in the USA? I alsó enclose my 8-page pub­­lication entitled “There is a way to destroy the Soviet Union with­­out military war?” I wonder, whether you find this artiele as anti-semitic? We alsó would appreciate re­ceiving a copy of the above report. We tried to g,et one bút have been informed, it is nőt fór the public, and will be revised. You will agree with us — we hope — that such. meeting can only be fór the benefit of all participants, ineluding somé of our friends. After receiving your af­­firmative answer, we shall arrange time and piacé of such meeting at mutual convenience. Waiting fór your answer, we remain very sincerely, enc. (s) GÉZA KORDA Associate Editor * Almost two months passed since we mailed our first letter bút there is no answer yet. Therefore we feel obliged to make following comments and close the case fór the present. 1. ) By any offense, the first question is who attacked first or simply who hit first. We llever wrote, said or did anything against A.J.C. We have been insulted and accused by A.J.C., at first. 2. ) Since Szabad Magyarság came intő existence a weekly called “Az Ember — The Mán” through its editor Mr. Zoltán Klar constantly smeared us with veno­­mous hatred, often in unprintable language. (In November, 1960. Mr. Klar was elected as president of the United Hungárián Jews of America — UHJA). It was “Az Ember — The Mán” which tried to diseredit His Eminence Josef Cardinal Mindszenty in a language of a drunk Bolshevik hooligan. Every word of that artiele mani­(Cont from Page 1) these statements about Hung,aril ans do nőt correspond with the truth, e.g. Mr. Eichmann writes: “Before dawn on March 19, 1944, I was leading an SS convoy from the Mauthausen concentration camp toward Budapest... On a Sun­­day morning in a brilliant sun­­shine we crossed the bordér intő Hungary. Instead of rifle fire or rebelious shouts we were greeted with cheers by the villag,ers and treated to white bread and wine.” The fact is omitted that on March 19, 1944 at 1 A.M. the Nazi troops crossed the bordér of Hungary. Therefore, the mentioned SS convoy only followed the Nazi forces. Generally speaking, the Germán troops were welcome, Hungarians knew the reál meaning of Bol­­shevism by experience from the year of 1919 under Béla Kun. Hungarians did nőt and do nőt believe the rosy stories about Bol­shevism as told in somé “popular magazines” and by the Soviet propaganda. They regarded the Nazi troops as defend against Bolshevism. They certainly would have much more welcomed the Allied troops as defense against Bolshevism! In the same way Ukrainians welcomed the Nazi troops and after WW II. the workers of Vienna and the Czechs had wel­comed the Soviet troops. Bút al­­ways, the “defender and liberator” becomes an agressive conqueror. “No more liberation” has been a well-known slogan all over Eu­­rope. The peoples of Europe have been betrayed. Then Mr. Eichmann writes: “The Hungárián Jews had lived through the war relatively un­­touched”, bút in other parts of his artiele he deseribes the Hun­garians the most co-operative in regard to deportation. That is to fests fanatical hatred against Christians and Christianity itself. It’s a sickening artiele. Mr. Si­mon Szerenyi the present manager of “Az Ember — The Mán” once signed a resolution to free Mátyás Rákosi, Stalin’s henchman in Hun­gary, now deposed. 3. ) Our ultimate aim is to re­­tain Freedom in the USA and re­­gain Freedom in Hungary by de­­manding intemationally super­­vised free election in Hungary. We have been disturbed in our work in the most undemocratic and un-American ways and means, exactly by those who call us Nazis and anti-semites. We want­­ed to talk matters over with the A.J.C. 4. ) Bút what are the results? The A.J.C. is hiding itself behind the Wall of Silence. The only con­­clusion we can draw from that ne­­gative attitűdé, that AJC is afraid of the truth! It’s a simple matter to make accusations bút it’s an­­other matter to prove the truth­­fullness of the accusations. Briefly, these are our comments. We wish to add that this issue of Szabad Magyarság is sent to every member of the 87th Con­­gress (Senate and House). And finally, we inform the A. J.C. that despite all, we leave the door open fór any future meeting to settle the differences. GÉZA KORDA * According to our knowledge the above mentioned Zoltán Klar edi­tor of “Az Ember — The Mán” (100 West 80th Street, New York 24, N.Y. Tel.: SU 7-7771) plans to become a U.S. Citizen. say Hungarians let the Jews un­­touched un-til 1944 bút after the Nazi occupation suddenly turnéd against them? This is a rather illogical statement! Further, did Hungarians treated the Jews so badly, they had to be “saved” in the concentration camp of Auschwitz? Are such -statements in a cer­­tain way an indication that Israel intends to get reparations from Hungary as from the Adenauer­­government? Very well! Bút if Israel claims to have such rights, then Israel alsó should have the duty pay reparations to Hungary because of Béla Kun and Mátyás Rákosi, -and about 80% of -their cabinet-members. Further fór about 80% of the AVO-officers (Hungary’s MVD.) in Rakosi’s time. All of them mentioned were •the same anti-Christian destroyers. One of the most important part of that artiele is the deseription of cooperation between Eichmann and zionist Rudolf Kastner. An analysis brings up somé questions, e.g. was Mr. Eichmann -a zionist himself? Are the zionists the worst enemies of the Jews? However, in order to under­­stand the reál meaning and pur­­pose of the defamation of Hun­garians, we must give -a 180 degree turn to this subject. Here are somé points: 1. ) It is a historical fact that Hungarians stood against the Eastern invaders fór more than 1,000 years in the Carpathian Basin, 2. ) It is recorded in history that fór the last seven centuries more than thirty millión Hunga­rians died in defense of Western Christianity and civilisation. This historical fact is almost unknown to the West. 3. ) It is a fact that Bolshevism (Béla Kun) has been defeated by Nicholaus are Horthy in 1919 and in 1956 by Hungarians en masse, 4.) It is quite understandable and logical that Bolshevics can nőt forget those two humiliating defeats. Bút since they cannot deny it, Hungarians have been since 1919 -and still are the most sought target of defamation. Like a criminal tries to make believa his victim isn’t worth fór justice hoping his erime will be forgiven, and forgottén. One of the classic example of defamation of Hungárián Freedom Fighters in the USA was the case of masskiller Michael Fekecs in New Jersey. That so-called free press of America — with somé exception — reported about the murders of Fekecs, who always has been deseribed as a Freedom Fighter of Hungary. The facts are exactly the opposite. Michael Fekecs was an AVO-officer (MVD in Hungary) who boasted to have been 1 masskiller in Hungary. Fekecs has been admítted to the USA as a p e r m a n e n t r e s i d e n t! By whom??? We know who are behind the defamation of Hungarians and we fight back, so long Americans will learn the facts. Immediate aim might be the take-off of the Case of Hungary from the Agenda of the UN. This is of little import­­ance, since the UN never did any­­thing, fór Free Hungary and never will. The UN has been morally bankrupt since its birth (Alger Hiss), now is getting alsó finan­­cially bankrupt. Sooner or later it will disappear. In the conscience of the world the Case of Hungary is here to stay, so long Freedom will be reestablished in Hungary. * Giving the matter another 90 degree turn, we see another pic­­ture. Castro is nőt a Nazi puppet, the American government agencies are nőt infiltrated by Nazi agents, the missile-program is nőt sabo­­taged by Nazi saboteurs, the Ro­­senbergs were nőt Nazi spies, in South America Mr. Nixon was nőt abused by Nazis, it is nőt Adolf Hitler who promised that Amer­ican children will live under Naz­­ism, and so forth. Nőt matter how much publicity tries to create the impression that there is an imminent danger of the revival of Nazism or how much they DIVERT the attention from the imminent dangers of International Bolshevism by re­­peating Nazi-crimes -and staging show-trials, the very fact remains that the ultimate target of In­ternational Bolshevism IS THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. That means all Americans, includ­­ing the editors of Life. We are fully aware of the fact that such statements are suffi­­cient to classify a person as a “dangerous demagogue”. There­fore in áddition to the above let’s quote Comrade Khrushchev: “I should, of course, prefer a most Progressive mán, a com­­munist, to be President of the United States. Communists correct- Iy understand social development. Bút so far the conditions fór this are noe yet ripe. They will, how­­eved, ripen tomorrow. How long it will take fór that tomorrow to come, is another question. Bút it will come because the future be­­longs to communism.” Is Comrade Khrushchev a dan­gerous demagogue or the slave­­master of 970,000,000 people, now subjugated under the yoke of In­ternational Bolshevism? Further: “Perhaps, his (Mr. Nixon’s) children, and certainly his grand­­children will live under commun­ism. And that will be the work nőt of us Russian communist; (Cont. Page 11. Col. 1, 2.) Life Magaziné and Bolshevism
