2000, 1992 (4.évfolyam) április

Three Contemporary Hungarian Plays In Gábor Czakó's play, PLGS, three pigs rebel against their captors and set about to establish Porkland only to find that the lust for power overshadows the need for freedom, and even the drive for life. In Géza Bereményi's HALMI, a teenage boy, disappointed in the world around him, turns to destruction as the highest form of self-assertion. In György Spiró's THE IMPOSTOR, a famous Polish actor leads a rehearsal of Tartuffe in Russian-occupied Vilna, cleverly turning it into a showcase of protest against the Czar, and gets away with it. The three brilliantly written Hungarian plays presented in this volume reveal the profound complexity of life in Central Europe, how it destroys, and how it elevates and ennobles. Gábor Czakó, Géza Bereményi and György Spiro are all highly respected playwrights; productions of their works in Hungary's theatres continue to attract enthusiastic audiences. Published here for the first time in English, these plays have been selected and edited by Albert Tezla. Forest Books Corvina Books £9.95
