1974 / 3-4. szám - A. HORN: József Schandl

Acta Agronomica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, Tomus 23 (3 — 4), pp. 265 — 267 (1974) t : > 1 JÓZSEF SCHANDL (1885 — 1973) József Schandl, Kossuth Prize winner academician was followed on his last way on 17 July 1973 by the deep feelings of his friends, admirers, pupils and of numerous representatives of the scientific life of Hungary. Hungarian agriculture has again lost an outstanding personality. It is not very likely that one can find agricultural experts in Hungary who did not know — if not personally, at least through his books — Prof. Schandl, the recognized leader of Hungarian animal husbandry for long decades. With him an excellent teacher has gone who, with the power of his personality and richness of his knowledge and experiences, held his audience spell-bound not only in the course of his nearly forty years' carrier as a teacher, but often in the seventh and eighth decade of his life, too. József Schandl was born on 27 April 1885 at Bakonybél, a little village in Transdanubia. Having completed his secondary school and college studies, he obtained a diploma at the Agricultural Academy of Magyaróvár in 1906, then in 1909 graduated at the Veterinary College. After his military service in Vienna he returned to the Veterinary College, where he worked under the guidance of Oszkár Wellmann academician and took part in series of experi­ments of international importance on metabolism. He was appointed agri­cultural college demonstrator in 1911, and assistant professor in 1912. After a study tour abroad, during which he got acquainted with animal husbandry in Germany, Austria, Holland, Denmark and Sweden, he was appointed head of the department of animal production at the Agricultural College of Kolozs­vár in 1913. After his military service in World War I he taught from Acta Agronomica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 23, 1974 1
