1994-1995 / 1-2. szám

CONTENTS SOIL SCIENCE AND AGROCHEMISTRY Effect of heavy metal load on soil and crop I. Kádár 3 Prediction of the dissolution of calcium sulphate containing soil amendments by a computer model Katalin Darab and Julianna Csillag 11 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY Recent data on fertilization of pear varieties J. Nyéki, M. Göndör-Pintér and Z. Szabó 23 The weather effect on ripening periods at different grape varieties D. Polyák and Márta Hunkár 33 Effect of NaCI on enzymes in salt-tolerant and salt-sensitive rice cultivais R. Krishnamurthy and K. A. Bhagwat 51 In vitro regeneration and propagation ofPlatycerium bifurcatum Erzsébet Jámbor-Benczúr, A. Csillag, A. Márta-Riffer and G. Csizmadia 59 Simultaneous flowering of pear varieties and overlap of flowering curves in different variety combinations M Göndör-Pintér, J. Nyéki and Z Szabó 67 PLANT CULTIVATION Results of ten-year N and P nutrition of irrigated poor alkali native Festuca pseudovina T. Bánszki 75 Effect of presowing light-technique treatment on the yield of vegetables Zsuzsa Mednyánszky, A. S. Szabó and J. Nagy 87 PLANT PROTECTION Effect of ultrasonic irradiation and vacuum infiltration combined with fungicides on fungi-infected sunflower seeds J. Nagy, J. Ratkos and O. Tóth 93 PLANT GENETICS AND BREEDING Wheat quality breeding and theoretic studies in China Z. F. Yan, L. Balla and B.Y.L. Bai 103 MAGYAR TUDOMÁNYOS AKADÉMIA ^KÖNYVTARA
