42. kötet / 1-4. sz. - M. KELEMEN: Roman Amphorae in Pannonia III.

150 M. KELEMEN" TYPE 15. (Dr. 7 — 11) The type is characterised by a wide mouth, slanting from narrower to broader and a rim widening downwards rim. A broad ribbon rib runs around the lower part of the rim. The neck is long and cylindrical. The belly is oval or bulges slightly downwards ending in a long cone or a shorter solid one. The handles are oval in cross-section and partitioned by 2 or 3 grooves. The colour is usually yellow, yellowish-red, or whitish-yellow with a yellowish-white or greenish tinted slip. No precise formal differentiation is possible since there are several varieties in addition to the Dressel 7-8-9-10-11 forms as well. These amphorae are Hispanic in origin and served in the transportation of fish goods. The content of the amphorae is known from the tituli picti: Dr. 7.: LACCA(tum) AIIIA — Dressel 1879, nr. 23. MVR IA EXCE(llens) FLOS — Dressel 1879, nr. 71 (maria?) ARGV(tae) PENVVAR(ii?) — Dressel 1879, nr. 150. MVR(iae) F(los) — CIL XV, 4722 (muria) MAL(acitana) — CIL XV, 4737—39 G(arum) S(combri) — CIL XV, 4710 LlQ(uamen) - CIL XV. 4722 COD( ?) PO. . .DOM AID A — CIL XV, 4732 PORT( ?) Q. .RTE SIG(ninum) PERVE(tus) - CIL XV, 4740 Dr. 8.: G(ari) F(los) — CIL XV, 4693, 4701, 4703, 4704, 4707 G(ari) F(los) LVCR(etianum) — CIL XV, 4691 G(arum) S(combri) F(los) — Dressel 1879, nr. 85. G(ari) F(los) and in black LIQ(uamen) — CIL XV, 4718 (muria?) SECVNDI XIIXS — Dressel 1879, nr. 89. Dr.9.: ABDO(mina) M(embratim) C(aesa) XXVI(semis) — Dressel 1879, nr. 97. TI CAESARE V COS V GAD ITANVM — Dressel 1879, nr. 7. G(arum) S(combri) — Dressel 1879, nr. 79. G(ari) F(los) - CIL XV, 4690 VET(us) III — CIL XV, 4601 LIQ(uaminis) FLOS - CIL XV, 4715 LIMP(hatum) VE(tus) - CIL XV, 4736 Dr. 10.: G(arum) SC(ombri) F(los) — Dressel 1879, nr, 76. G(ari) F(los) - Dressel 1879, nr. 93. L(i) Q(uaminis) F(los) — Dressel 1879, nr, 93. MVR(ia) - CIL XV, 4727 HA(lec) S(combri) — CIL XV, 4731 V(etus) F(los) III - CIL XV, 4744 Dr. 11.: MVR(ia) SEC(undi) — Dressel 1879, nr. 73. According to the inscriptions on amphorae from the city of Rome, the vessels contained garum, muria, liquamen, laccatum and halex. On amphorae type Dr. 7—11. the following stamps can be seem on the rim, the bottom of the handles or on the belly: AQA — Camulodunum — Callender 1965, p. 72. Nr. 116. — Puerto Real, Beltràn-Lloris 1970, 417; — Foret de Coinpiegne, CIL XIII, 10002, 65. Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 42, 1990
