Acta Oeconomica 2. (1967)

1967 / 1. szám

ACTA OECONOMICA АСА DC MIAU SCIE NTTI ARUM HUNGARICAE TOMUS 2 CONTENTS I. Friss: Ideas on the Improvement of National Economic Planning............................. 3 Gy. Péter: On the Planned Central Control and Management of the Economy. ... 23 M. Tímár: The Reform of the Financial and Credit System in Hungary.................... 47 J. Wilcsek: The Role of Profit in the Management of Enterprises............................. 63 J. Bognár: La conception du commerce extérieur dans le nouveau mécanisme éco­nomique................................................................................................................................... 77 I. Fenyő: The New System of Management in Hungarian Home Trade.................... 93 É. Ehrlich: International Comparisons by Indicators Expressed in Physical Units 107 T. Надь: Цены при социализме.................................................................................................. 149 A. Bródy: On Linear Models of the Economy .............................................................. 171 Gy. Szakolczay: The Pattern of Investments and the Rate of Growth.................... 189 J. László: The Planned Control of Cooperative Farm Production and the Reform of Economic Management .............................................................................................. 213 K. Ириг: Капиталистическое сельское хозяйство и экономический рост ................. 227 И. Фриш: Законы социалистического хозяйтва и его управление ............................... 271 I. Vajda: External Equilibrium, Neo-techniques and Economic Reform.................... 291 A. Bródy: Dual Concept of the Economy in Marx’s “Capital”.................................... 309 J. Kornai—Mrs. L. Újlaki: Application of an Aggregate Programming Model in Five-year Planning ........................................................................................................... 327 F. Fekete—Gy. Varga: Household Plot Farming of Co-operative Peasants in Hungary...............................................................................................................................;. 345 F. Molnár: Contemporary Capitalist Reproduction: Cyclical or Not...................... 363 Gy. Erős : A Specific Aspect of the Monetary Reserves Held by Developing Countries and Proposal thereon ....................................................................................................... 381 NOTES B. Martos: A Note on Efficient Consumption Paths in a Harrod-Domar Type Model ...................................................................................................................................... 247 REVIEWS A. Gelei: Problems of Long-term Planning........................................................................ 125 L. Enese: Research Institute for Agricultural Economics ........................................... 132 Gy. Hevesi: Research Group for Industrial Economics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences ................................................................................................................................. 135 E. Csizmadia: Association of Farming Cooperatives in Hungary ............................. 251 Zs. Mausecz: The 127th Annual Meeting of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences 255 E. Kbmenes: Hungarian Research Work Relating to the Problems of Developing Countries ............................................................................................................ 259 Л. Кёвари: Венгеро-советское эконмическое сотрудничество ............................................401
