Acta Oeconomica 4. (1969)

1969 / 1. szám - REVIEWS - Kádas Kálmán: 8th European congress of the regional Science Association

REVIEWS спективных планов. Я. Ковач (Венгрия) информировал участников о том, что в Венгрии разработка планов перспективной потребности в специали­стах началась в 1963 году. Однако дальнейшая работа требует использова­ния математических методов. В частности, следовало бы исследовать, каким образом повлияют изменения структуры народного хозяйства на преду­сматриваемые количественные и качественные потребности в специалистах. Выло высказано и такое мнение, что прогнозы в отношении подготовки квали­фицированных кадров следовало бы составлять не только до 1980, но и до 2000 года. М. Гендель, руководитель делегации ГДР, назвал их перспек­тивными решениями стратегического характера. Симпозиум закрыл И. Надь, руководитель венгерской делегации, дав­ший оценку научным итогам трехдневного совещания. К. KÁDAS 8th EUROPEAN CONGRESS OF THE REGIONAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION The 8th European Congress of the international Regional Science Associ­ation (RSA) was organized in Budapest between August 27 and 30, 1968. The scenes of the former congresses in reverse chronological order had been: The Hague, Vienna, Cracow, Geneva, Lund, Zurich, and The Hague again. (Next year’s conference will be held in Copenhagen.) The international scientific discussion lasting four days — organized in the building of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences by the Regional Sec­tion of the Hungarian Economic Association, the members of which are for the most part also members of the RSA — was a memorable review of the experts of regional science. At the meeting certain recent, important results and research objectives of this complex science were subjected to a lively and manysided discussion. The number of foreign delegates was 86 (of whom 25 were from socialist countries) and about the same number of Hungarians participated. As in the case of the European Congresses of the RSA organized in previous years, the Conference of the Peace Research Society (International), this time the 5th, was also organized almost simultaneously and partly jointly with the Budapest Congress of the RSA, partly with common participants. The subjects included in the agenda of the Budapest European Congress reflected well the results and objectives of the RSA, and of the scientific researches conducted almost all over the world in accordance with the objec­tives of regional science. The latter, as it is well-known, can be formulated as follows: scientific establishment of the regionally optimum, development of the processes of socio-economic activity, i.e. the most favourable one also by territorial division, in accordance with the official socio-economic system of pref­erences. This, of course, requires and results in researches and planning branch­ing out in many directions and keeping in view several kinds of management­­decision levels, as well as employing various methods. Surely, the processes of socio-economic activity are manifold themselves, they are also very complex and their spatial-territorial pattern may often assume versions difficult to count, not to mention the great methodological difficulties and costs the handling and transformation of all these involves from the point of view of Acta Oeconomica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 4, 1969
