Acta Oeconomica 9. (1972)

1972 / 1. szám

COMMENTS AND CRITICISMS G. Adam: “New Trends in International Business: Worldwide Sourcing and Dedomiciling” et “Some Implications and Concomitants of Worldwide Sourc­ing”. Commentaire (J. L. Malaussena de Perno)................................................. 95 Comments on G. Adam: “New Trends in International Business: Worldwide Sourcing and Dedomiciling” and “Some Implications and Concomitants of Worldwide Sourcing” and Author’s Reply........................................................................................... 371 REVIEWS I. Wiesel: Ungarisch-österreichisches volkswirtschaftliches Kolloquium ............ 209 E. Kemenes: Symposium in Budapest on the Economic Possibilities Inherent in European Security ................................................................................................................ 391 P. Iván: The 6th General Assembly of the Hungarian Economic Association .... 401 BOOK REVIEWS L. Szamuely: The First Socialist Economic Mechanisms (S. Ausch) ........................ 105 Ch. Layton: Cross Frontier Mergers in Europe — How Can Governments Help? (Gy. Ádám) ................................................................................................................................ Ill F. StubenitSKy: American Direct Investment in the Netherlands Industry (Gy. Ádám) ............................................................................................................................... 113 I. Korán: Futurology and Economic Forecasting (S. Nagy) ............................................. 213 I. Vincze: Prices, Taxes, Subsidies Following the Reform in Economic Control and Management (B. Budai)........................................ 215 I. Bartke: Major Economic Issues Regarding Development of the Industries of In­dustrially Backward Areas in Hungary (Z. Tatai)...................................................... 217 D. Kebschull: Entwicklungspolitik — Eine Einführung (Gy. Ádám) [............................ 219 C. Tugendhat: The Multinationals (Gy. Ádám)........................................................................ 222 D. Burtis — F. Lavipour —- S. Riciardi — К. P. JSauvanu (eds.): Multinational Corporation —• Nation State Interaction (Gy. Ádám)................................................ 225 L. Komló: L’industrialisation de l’agriculture dans l’économie capitaliste (K. Forgács) 226 Topical Issues of National Economie Development (P. T.—T. M.) . . . ............................. 407 Gy. Pogány: Ageing and Employment (Zs. Mausecz) .................................................... 409 M. Hegedűs: Problems of the Relationship between Industry and Agriculture (Zs. Jozsits) ...................................................................... 411 A. Deák: Enterprise Monetary Economy and Financial Planning (M. Bagár) 413 T. Kéri: The Flexibility of Industrial Enterprises (M. Bagár) ...................................... 414 E. Csizmadia: The Hungarian Food Economy on the Road to More Efficient Economy (J. Sipos) ............................................................................................................... 416 Gy. Varga: The Japanese Business (I. Wiesel).................................................................. 419 J. Rezler: Automation and Industrial Labor (Gy. Ádám) ............................................. 421 H. M. Mayrzedt—H. C. Binswanger: Europa-Politik der Rest-EFTA-Staaten (A. Inotai) .................................................................................................................................. 425 BOOKS RECEIVED 116, 230, 429
