Acta Oeconomica 35. (1985)

1985 / 1-2. szám

ACTA OECONOMICA ECONOMIC PERIODICAL OF THE HUNGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Editor: Tamás Földi Editorial office: H-1112 Budapest, Budaörsi út 45. Hungary H-1502 Budapest, P.O.B. 262 Published in two volumes a year. Orders can be placed with Kultura Foreign Trading Company (H-1389 Budapest, P.O.Box 149) or Akadémiai Kiadó (H-1363 Budapest, P.O.Box 24). CONTENTS R. NYERS: National Economic Objectives and the Reform Process in Hungary in the Eighties I J. HOÓS: Alternatives of Growth and Priorities in the 7th Five-Year Plan of Hungary (1986—1990) 17 M. TARDOS: Question Marks in Hungarian Fiscal and Monetary Policy (1979—1984)............ 29 I. TARAFÁS—J. SZABÓ: Hungary’s Exchange Rate Policy in the 1980s.................................... 53 Z. ROMÁN: Productivity Growth and Its Slowdown in the Hungarian Economy...................... 81 L. HALPERN—GY. MOLNÁR: Income Formation, Accumulation and Price Trends in Hungary in the 1970s.................................................................................................................................... 105 L. PODKAMINER: Investment Cycles in Centrally Planned Economies: An Explanation Invoking Consumer Market Disequilibrium and Labour Shortage...................................................... 133 CS. CSÁKI: An Outlook of Food Supply and Demand in the CMEA Countries........................ 145 G. OBLATH—P. PETE: Trade with the Soviet Union: the Finnish Case .................................... 165 REVIEWS M. LAKI: Central Economic Management and Enterprise Crisis in Hungary.............................. 195 OBITUARY Lord Thomas Balogh (1905—1985) (В. Csikós-Nagy) ....................................................................... 213 BOOK REVIEWS L. CSABA: Economie Mechanism in theGDR and in Czechoslovakia. A Comparative Analysis (K. Kouba) ............................................................................................................................................ 217 M. LAVIGNE: Economie internationale des pays socialistes (A. Török)...................................... 220 R. RODE H. D. JACOBSEN (Hg.): Wirtschaftskrieg oder Entspannung? Eine politische Bilanz der Ost-West-Wirtschaftsbeziehungen (A. Inotai)................................................................... 225 BOOKS RECEIVED
