Acta Oeconomica 36. (1986)

1986 / 1-2. szám

ACTA OECONOMICA ECONOMIC PERIODICAL OF THE HUNGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Editor: Tamás Földi Editorial office: H-1112 Budapest, Budaörsi út 45. Hungary H-1502 Budapest, P.O.B. 262 Published in two volumes a year. Orders can be placed with Kultura Foreign Trading Company (H-1389 Budapest, P.O.Box 149) or Akadémiai Kiadó (H-1363 Budapest, P.O.Box 24). CONTENTS Editorial L. FALUVÉGI: The Seventh Five-Year Plan of the Hungarian Economy (for 1986-1990) .......... 3 I. ILLÉS: Structural Changes in the Hungarian Economy (1979-1985) ............................................ 21 A. KÖVES: Foreign Economic Equilibrium, Economic Development and Economic Policy in the CMEA Countries............................................................................................................................. 35 L. SZAMUELY : Prospects of Economic Reforms in the European Countries in the 80s .............. 55 M. TARDOS: The Conditions of Developing a Regulated Market: .................................................. 67 K. FALUS-SZIKRA: Wage and Income Disparities Between the First and Second Economies in Hungary............................................................................................................................................. 91 G. RÉVÉSZ: On the Expansion and Functioning of the Direct Market Sector of the Hungarian Economy..................,....................................................................................................................... 105 J. RIMLER: Economic Obsolescence and Employment (A Comparative Analysis of the Hungarian and Dutch Economies)...................................................................................................................... 123 E. GÁCS: Hungary’s Social Expenditures in International Comparison............................................ 141 REVIEWS R. KULCSÁR: Results of the First Nationwide Prestige Survey in Hungary ................................ 155 BOOK REVIEWS L. ANTAL: Economic Control and Management and the Financial System of Hungary on the Way of Reforms (P. Á. Bod) .................................................................................................................... 169 Entwicklungen des Ost-West Handels unter erschwerten weltwirtschaftlichen Bedingungen. (I) Voraussetzungen für die Gründung von gemischten Unternehmen zwischen Ost und West (II) Moderne Methoden des Unternehmensmanagement in Ost und West. (Ill) (E. Kemenes). 172 BOOKS RECEIVED REPERTORY OF VOLS 31 TO 35
