Acta Oeconomica 39. (1988)

1988 / 1-2. szám

ACTA OECONOMICA ECONOMIC PERIODICAL OF THE HUNGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Editor: Tamás Földi Editorial office: H-l 112 Budapest, Budaörsi út 45. Hungary H-1502 Budapest, P.O.B. 262 Published in two volumes a year. Orders can be placed with Kultura Foreign Trading Company (H-1389 Budapest, P.O.Box 149) or Akadémiai Kiadó (H-1363 Budapest, P.O.Box 24). CONTENTS Editorial 1 A. KÖVES: The External Economic Environment and Programme of Stabilization in Hungary 3 A. NAGY: Why Does Not it Work? ............................................................................................................. 23 A. INOTAI: International Competitiveness and Imports........................................................................ 45 M. TARDOS: Can Hungary’s Monetary Policy Succeed? ..................................................................... 61 G. OBLATH: Exchange Rate Pohcy in the Reform Package.................................................................. 81 B. GRESKOVITS: Western Technological Policies and the Approach of Hungarian Industrial Pohcy...................................................................................................................... 95 I. SCHWEITZER: Will the Industrial Pyramid Be Set Afoot? ............................................................... Ill K. LÁNYI: Enterprise Behaviour in the 1980s: Beliefs and Reality .................................................. 123 L. CSABA: Restructuring of the Soviet Foreign Trade Mechanism and Possibilities for Interfirm Cooperation in the CMEA ............................................................................................................................ 137 T. BAUER: Deceleration, Dependency and ‘Depaternalization’. Some Considerations Con­cerning the Chances of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe in the Coming Decades .... 155 É. PALÓCZ: Services in the World Economy ............................................................................................. 171 REVIEWS R. SALLAI-I.SCHWEITZER: World Economic Environment and the Hungarian Economy - A Conference.......................................................................................................................................................... 185 BOOK REVIEWS L. SZAMUELY (ed.): The Development of Economic Thought in Hungary: 1954—1978. Research of the Mechanism of a Socialist Economy (A. Török)..................................................... 189 F. SETON: Cost, Use and Value. The Evaluation of Performance, Structure and Prices across Time, Space and Economic Systems (A. B.)............................................................................................. 192 W. ANDREFF: Les multinationales (A. Tóth falusi) ............................................................................... 194 BOOKS RECEIVED Acta Oeconomica is abstracted/indexed in Geological Abstracts, Journal of Economic Literature, Key to Economic Science, Public Affairs Information Service, Social Citation Index, Referativni Zhurnal, Rural Recreation and Tourism Abstracts, World Agricultural Recreation and Tourism Abstracts, World Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology Abstracts. © Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest
