Acta Oeconomica 45. (1993)

1993 / 1-2. szám

ACTA OECONOMICA PERIODICAL OF THE HUNGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Editor: Tamás Földi Editorial office: Н-11Г2 Budapest, Budaörsi út 15. Hungary H-150'2 Budapest, P.O.B. 262 Orders can be placed with Akadémiai Kiadó (H-1519 Budapest, P.O.Box 245). Subscription price for volume 45 (1993) in 2 double issues US$ 92.00, including normal postage, airmail delivery US$ 20.00. CONTENTS L. SZAMUELY: Transition from State Socialism: Whereto and How? (Comments on the Inquiry Conducted by .4cia Oeconomica) .................................................................................... 1 T. KOLOSI—P. RÓBERT: Social Effects Produced by the System Change ....................... 2.3 B. GRESKOVITS: The Use of Compensation in Economic Adjustment Programmes ... 43 A. VALENTINYI: Stabilization and Growth in Hungary—Some Theoretical Considera­tions ............................................................................................................................................................... 69 J. KORNÁL The Historical Mission of Heresy. György Péter, the Reform Economist .. 89 ZS. DANIEL: Is Rental Housing Necessary? Hungarian Problems in the Light of Experi­ence Abroad .............................................................................................................................................. 101 P. A. MESSERLIN: The Association Agreements Between the EC and Central Europe: Trade Liberalization vs Constitutional Failure? ....................................................................... 119 H.-H. M. HSIAO: The Political Economy of State-Business Relations in Taiwan ............... 145 COMMENTS AND CRITICISM W. BRUS: The Politics and Economics of Reform. Reflections on János Kornai's New Book............................................................................................................................................................... 173 REVIEWS L. G. TÓTH: Foreign Economic Liberalization in East-Central Europe: The Experiences of Poland and the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic........................................................... 183 J. VARGA: More Disciplined Budget- Adapting Education ........................................................ 197 BOOK REVIEWS J. FLEMMING-J. M. C. ROLLO (eds): Trade, Payments, and Adjustment in Central and Eastern Europe. (.4. Csermely) ............................................................................................... 209 BOOKS RECEIVED Acknowledgement: The Hungarian Economic Association and the Institute of Economics of the Hungarian Academy of Science have contribut ed to covering the expenses of this issue. ©Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest
