Acta Physica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 42. (1977)

1977 / 1. szám

INDEX Tomus 42 R. C. Sharma: MHD Instability of Rotating Superposed Fluids Through Porous Medium 3 S. Dési: Investigations on a New Device Application of the a. c. Josephson Effect.......... 21 \Th. Neugebauer\: Zu der quantenmechanischen Theorie des Kugelblitzes ............................ 29 P. C. Ram, S. S. Singh and H. L. Agarwal: Hydromagnetic Natural Convection Flows Resulting from the Combined Buoyancy Effects of Thermal and Mass Diffusion 49 V. M. Soundalgekar and D. D. Haldavnekar : Free Convection Effects on MHD Channel Flow with Variable Viscosity............................................................................................. 59 I. Kovács and M. I. M. El Agrab: On the Anomalous Triplet Splitting of the C3 A Term of the TiO Molecule...................................................................................................................... 67 RECENSIONES 81 A. K. Mitra: Ritz Method for the Anharmonicity of the Type Ax2m..................................... 85 T. Héjnál: Measurements of the Relaxation Processes with a Long Relaxation Time Constant ................................................................................................................................... 91 V. M. Mummigatti and 5. G. Jyoti: RKRV Franck —Condon Factors and r-Centroids for the (А1 П—Transition of GeO Molecule ....................................................... 99 R. C. Sharma and Kirti Prakash: Finite Larmor Radius Effect on Thermal-Convective Instability of a Stellar Atmosphere.................................................................................. 103 V. K. Sharma: Resonating Group Model for Few-Nucleon Problems.................................... Ill J. P. Dixit and K. N. Mehrotra: Debye—Waller Factors of FCC Metals.............................. 127 A. Dobay-Szegleth: Calculation of Incoherent X-Ray Scattering for Argon by the Sta­tistical Electron Density Distributions............................................................................ 137 V. V. Ramana Rao and V. Bala Prasad: Heat Transfer in a Rotating Channel with Porous Walls ......................................................................................................................................... 143 M. Lakshmanan: Average Hydrodynamic Behaviour of a Non-Linear Pion-Pion Chiral Lagrangian ....................................................................................................... 151 Ю. Ю. Фирцак, О. В. Лукша, H. И. Довгошей, А. В. Нечипоренко и Д. В. Чепур : Процес­сы формирования, стимулированная кристаллизация и электрофизические свойства аморфных пленок Cu—Sb—S—I..................................................................... 159 RECENSIONES 167 W. H. Steeb: A Comment on Trace Calculations for Fermi Systems....................................... 171 M. L. Pandya and M. K. Machwe: Effect of Aggregation of Molecules on the Polariz­ation of Fluorescence Spectrum of Erythrosin....................,........................................ 179 E. Vatai: Addendum to the “Correction of Electron Capture Ratios Measured by Multi-Wire Proportional Counter” ............................................................................................... 185 K. M. Датиев : Об оценке области локализации полного умножения при лавинном пробое гетеропереходов ..................................................................................................... 189 G. А. Hassan: Effects of Impurities and Tensile Loads on Electrical Resistivity Behaviour of Copper Deformed by Torsion......................................................................................... 195
