Acta Physica Hungarica 59. (1986)

1986 / 1-2. szám

CONTENTS Volume 59 GENERAL PHYSICS Is the physical space empty? M. F. Podlaha ........................................................................................ 451 ELEMENTARY PARTICLES AND FIELDS Zero-mass scalar field interactions in the Robertson-Walker universe. R. T. Singh and Shridhar Deo 321 Суперлюминальный характер внутренних областей метрики Керра-Ньюмена. В. С. Гурин и А. П. Трофименко 371 On the identification of gravitation with a massless spin 2 field. A. Mészáros................................ 379 Classical motion of coloured test particles along geodesics of a Klauza-Klein spacetime. L. Gy. Fehér 437 NUCLEAR PHYSICS Inclusive backward proton and deuteron production from 40'44'48Ca isotopes by 1 GeV protons. J. Erő, Z. Fodor, J. Kecskeméti, P. Koncz, Zs. Kovács, Z. Seres, S. L. Belostotsky and V. N. Nikulin................................................................................................................................ 401 ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR PHYSICS Approximate self-consistent fields in atoms: an analytical approach. J. P. Sharma...................... 287 The coordination of iron in alumino borate glasses containing some alkali or alkaline earth elements. N. A. Eissa, A. M. Sanad, A. A. El-Saghier, H. A. Sallam and A. G. Mostafa.................. 297 Investigations on the fluorescence decay time of Rhodamine 6G in the presence of Malachite green for the Stokes and anti-Stokes excitation. C. Bojarski, A. Bujko, R. Bujko and H. Cherek 307 Molecular symmetry in ab initio calculations. III. F. Bartha, E. Kapuy and C. Kozmutza .......... 333 Molecular symmetry in ab initio calculations. IV. F. Bartha, E. Kapuy, C. Kozmutza and Zs. Ozoróczy................................................................................................................................ 339 Molecular symmetry in ab initio calculations. V. F. Bartha, E. Kapuy and C. Kozmutza .............. 347 The ЗА band system in the 13C160 molecule spectrum. T. Rytel and M. Rytel................................ 355 OPTICS Analytic approach for melting and evaporation of a solid by a pulsed laser. M. M. El-Niclawy, M. K. El-Adawi, A. A. Kutub and G. G. Al-Barakali............................................................ 291 Reply to the comments of L. Zsoldos [I]. F. Hajdú............................................................................ 445
