Acta Physica Hungarica 72. (1992)

1992 / 1. szám - J. Janszky - G. Rontó: 80th birthday of Prof. I. Tarján

Acta Physica Hungarica 72 (1), pp. S-5 (1992) Professor Imre Tarján, Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and former president of the Department for Mathematical and Physical Sciences, cele­brated his 80th birthday on 26th of July, 1992. Imre Tarján demonstrated his talent already as a secondary school student, winning the all-Hungarian competition in physics in 1930. An interesting fact: the winner of a similar competition several years before was Edward Teller, the Hungarian-born American physicist. At the University Imre Tarján was a member of the Eötvös College, an outstanding institution of the pre- and postwar period. Having graduated he began his scientific career working with the famous Hungarian physicist, Professor Zoltán Gyulai in Debrecen. This auspicious beginning was interrupted practically for ten years by World War II and the difficulties of the postwar reconstruction. 80th birthday of Professor Imre Tarján Acta Physica Hungarica 72, 1992 Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest
