Borsi-Kálmán Béla: Hungarian Exiles and the Romanian National Movement, 1849 - 1867 - East European Monographs 331. Atlantic Studies on Society Change 67. (New York, 1991)


Appendix The First Klapka-Cuza Agreement (Ia§i, March 29, 1859) Agreement A. Prince Cuza gives permission to the Hungarian patriots to establish depots for arms in the valley of the Szereth, in BakSu, Roman [Romdnvdsdr], or other places still nearer the frontier of Transylvania, like Okna [Akna], and Piatra [Kdfarka]. The Prince shall ask his Majesty the Emperor of the French for 30,000 firearms, of which 10,000 shall be used for arming the Moldavo- Wallachian army, and 20,000 shall be placed at the disposal of the leaders of the Hungarian and Transylvanian insurgents. The Prince shall ask for these arms at once, considering the threatening aspect of the situation, and the time which is required to transport them from the Mediterranean ports to the spot. Subsequent consignments of war material, which will have to be divided between Hungary and the Principalities, according to their respective requirements, shall form the subject of an agreement to be concluded hereafter. Besides the arms demanded of the allied governments, application shall be made to the Servian Government for a certain number of guns. Some of these guns will be placed at the disposal of the Hungarians by the Moldavo-Wallachian Government. On the other hand, General Klapka shall exert himself to the utmost in Paris and London to have, not only the arms and necessary ammunition dispatched immediately, but also those articles of equipment which are necessary to enable the Moldavian, Wallachian, and Hungarian troops to take the field at once. He shall further exert himself to secure in Paris, or elsewhere, the services of a sufficient staff of surgeons, and some engineer and artillery officers, who will have to organize these two services of the army. The General shall act in all these questions in harmony with the Prince's diplomatic agent at Paris.
