Majláth Béla (szerk.): Gróf Széchenyi István munkái 4. Levelei 2. (Budapest, 1890)


decide upon the said questions. Now I think, you are the most proper person to make this young man acquainted with all parties,. viz. those of chain-bridges·, built of stone, Iron arch-bridges etc. Your are not prejudiced, as most of the artists are, and you will not be biased by any thing, but look to one point only, as I do to· the success of the Job, and not to personal interests. I gave several letters to Mr. Schönerer, but still should desire, if you had the kindness to present him to persons of your acquaintance and »competent« on the subject.. In a country like Hungary, where every thing is new and untried, »Success« is absolutely wanted, as a failure would be­­more than a stop, it would cause »retrogradation.« You wrote to me several times, that you would do every thing for me in England. Now you see, dear Sir, that I avail' myself of your kindness. I shall be obliged to you for every attention you will have for Mr. Schönerer, and if you give hint some letters of recommendation to the United States. The mares are not yet arrived. I shall write to you imme­diately when they are here. My best compliments to Mr. Tattersall.. My Countess feels­­very much obliged for your »Souvenir.« Very truly yours Stephan Széchenyi.. 323. Clark Tyrney W.-h e z.1), (m. k.) Pest, 1837. ápril 20-án.. 'Dear Clark, We carried the principle of paying a toll on an eventuel bridge between Buda and Pest at our last Diet. This ]) Értesíti Clarkot, hogy a fizetés általános elvét az építendő hídon kivívta az országgyűlésen, a mi a hídépítésnek alapja lévén a győzelem nehéz munka volt. írja tovább, hogy a második fontos lépése is sikerűit, egy érde­mes, széles ismeretkörű, hazafias érzelmű és energikus embert találnia, ki az építő társulat, feje legyen, s azt Sina G-yörgy báró személyében jelzi neki. A harmadik lépésnek tartja most már egy művezetőt keresni az építés igaz-
