Majláth Béla (szerk.): Gróf Széchenyi István munkái 4. Levelei 2. (Budapest, 1890)


3. Tell me what I could do here for you before hand, in order to save time, respecting the materials and requisite (speci­mens of iron, stone etc. etc.) for the preparatory works, as nothing like this having been yet made here, provisions of all sorts must he thought of. God bless you and believe me sincerely yours Pestli, the 15. June 1837. St. Széchenyi. By the by, there is one thing I must mention to you. There are so many swindlers who wanted to have the direction of the Job, that the Committee established the principle that no body shall have the direction of it except who can show authentically his having directer with full success an undertaking equal in diffi­culty to the building a bridge between Buda and Pest. Now your name ad renown is above all questions, but yet our opponents, might make us some difficulties even in the choice of your person, if we cannot show them authentically, that you are the proper man for it. They will except against any Englishman, as they say, you cannot have any experience about ice. Well, dear Sir, I advise voir to bring over drawings, estimates, Mr. Colcoons notes made at Petersburgh, your connexions with the late Mr. Bennie etc, etc. etc. in short, every thing which you may calculate to silence our antagonists. 333. Báró Sina Györgyhöz. (m. k.) Pest, 1837. június 15. Hochwohlgeborner Freiherr, Sehr geachteter Ereund! Hier übersende ich Ihnen den verlieissenen Brief an Clark, Sie haben mich ganz überwiesen, dass die jetzige Wuth in Unternehmungen solcher Art, wie eine Brücke zwischen Ofen und Pesth ist, eine weit grössere Unterzeichnung nach sich zie­hen würde, als für den Bau nothwendig ist, und somit die augen­blickliche und illimitirte Ausgabe der Actien voreilig wäre. Währ
