Majláth Béla (szerk.): Gróf Széchenyi István munkái 4. Levelei 2. (Budapest, 1890)


I vexed — as I wanted always to tell, or to writ to you, non to send them by Hamburg, at the Elbe freedles over very often, but direct by Calais — and did not do it thinking it superfluous to go in much details. The ice between Buda and Pest stands yet, but the weather is mild, that I am very much afraid it will be gone before Mr. P. & S. arrive and then we shall lose almost all the advantage of their being here, at far, it is to say as they would have and only by their preference regulated the opinion of the public about the possibility of erecting peers without exposing the two towns to extrainundations. — Well Patience is now the only thing we can resort to. But now I must tell you some news. There are some very respectable people in the neighborhood of Orsowa, who have pretty large iron manufactories. They built several iron bridges, and lately one of 22-° span. It is on the principle of suspension on an arch . The will came forward for the building of the Buda Pest bridge, with only two piers, ach spar of 100°— Our opponents protect them very much, — as they know too will how much prejudice there is in the public in favor of them as they are natives of this country. Would build the bridge much cheaper, it would be an incouragement to our natives — the money would not go out of the country & and such stuff. I know that their Agent was at the archiduke Palatine . and that His Highness seemed to be pleased with the plane, but told to the Agent, that they ought to get the favorable opinion of some authority in hydraulics, as the Committee of the diet had already fixed that nobody shall have the direction of the building but who executed already some similar work. — Hon our oppo­nents want if the time will not be too short to get Mr. Bennies favorable opinion about it, — and will send the mentioned Agent ■with his model to England. I dont know what Mr. Bennie will say — hut I request you to do me te favour, not to cut this Agent in case he would apply to you also, what I suppose he will do as his employers are my friends, and do not came forward with malignity, but only by pure patriotic feeling (though very unrea­sonable) -------—
