BUKSZ - Budapesti Könyvszemle 11. (1999)

1999 / 3. szám - SZEMLE - Klotz, Heinrich: Posztmodem építészet. Rövid összefoglaló

BUDAPE STIKÖNYVSZEMLE Editor-in-Chief: István M. Bodnár György Berkovits (editor), Margó Csömör (editorial secretary), Tamás Harsányi (design), Katalin Sebes (copy editor) Editorial Board Chairman: Gábor Klaniczay Members: Ágnes Erdélyi, Ferenc Erős, Gábor Gyáni, Mihály Laki, Judit Lakner, Aladár Madarász, István Margócsy, Gábor Pajkossy, István Rév, Endre Szécsényi, György F. Széphelyi, Anna Wessely Volume 11 Number 3A utumn 19 9 9 ? REWIEV ARTICLES er. Péter Pór: Bildung and Ethos Géza Fodor: Music and the theatre 255 Evelyne Patlagean: Byzantium Bréhier and East-Central Europe Louis Bréhier: The splendour and decline of Byzantium Translated by István Baán Gábor Gyáni: History: fact or fiction? Hayden White: The burden of history Compiled by Róbert Braun Translated by Gábor Berényi, Róbert Braun, Tamás Heil and Éva John Ferenc Huoranszki: Spirit locked in a system Dániel C. Dennett: The philosophy of intentionality Selected by Csaba Pléh Translated by Mária Pap, Csaba Pléh and Orsolya Thuma PROBLEMS Csaba László Gáspár Faith, philosophy, technology The things you think about when you read Kirkegaard 296 Éva Forgács: Is there such a thing as East European art? Endre Bojtár: A book that was written and was not written after all Anna Geréb: Eisenstein, Eizenstein, Ejzenstejn Krisztina Passuth: Avante garde interchanges from Prague to Bucharest 1907-1930 Steven A. Mansbach: Modern Art in Eastern Europe From the Baltic to the Balkans ca. 1890-1939 S. M. Eisenstein: Selected papers Selected, provided with a preface and annotated by Judit Bárdos Translated from the Russian by Ildikó Berkes, from the English by Zsuzsa Szilágyi Zoltán Novák: Eizenstein the film theorist Metropolis, autumn, 1998: Sergei Mihailovich Eisenstein 239 247 266 273 284
