The Guardian of Liberty - Nemzetőr, 1980 (3. évfolyam, 1-4. szám)

1980-01-01 / 1. szám

12 News in Brief EMBASSY GUARDS SHOOT TO KILL Cuban security guards shot and fatally wound­ed a would-be refugee when he was within the grounds of the Venezuelan Embassy in Ha­vana, according to information recently receiv­ed from Cuba. T.he injured man (he died shortly afterwards in hospital) was one of five Cubans who had smashed through the gates of the ambassador’s residence. The other four were granted asylum in the embassy. The shoot­­ llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll KILLING OF ADEN PRESIDENT RECALLED The Iraqi Government has obliquely indi­cated in its controlled press that it realises the similarity between the killing of President Salim Rubai Ali of Southern Yemen in mid- 1978 and the recent violent events in Afgha­nistan, particularly the killing between April, 1978, and December, 1979, of three successive Presidents, Mohammud Daoud, Nur Mohammud Taraki and Hafizullah Amin. President Salim was deposed in a coup d’état involving about 12 hours of heavy fighting in the South Yemeni capital, Aden. The presiden­tial palace and other key buildings were bomb­ed by Soviet-built aircraft. According to eye­witness accounts, the bombing was done with great precision. This led to speculation that the pilots responsible must have been Russians or Cubans stationed in Southern Yemen, rather than the much less experienced personnel of the Southern Yemeni air force. The Aden government has a large number of Soviet and Cuban military advsiers and there is a big contingent of East Germans giving advice on internal security. After the Southern Yemeni coup it was ofi­­cially announced that President Salim and two of his ministers had been executed by firing squad. Shortly before his death he had begun to show signs of being a less rigidly pro-Soviet Marxist than his successor as President, Abdel Fattah Ismail. Salim had, in particular, attempt­ed to adopt a less doctrinaire foreign policy, particularly in relations with Northern Yemen and Saudi Arabia. In a recent article, AI Thawra, organ of Iraq’s ruling Ba’th Party, discussed „the Soviet Union's connection with events in the PDRY (Southern Yemen), the elimination of Salim Ru­bai Ali, the placing of Abdel Fattah Ismail in the front-runner position, the intervention in Afghanistan’s affairs ,the ousting of President Mohammud Daoud, the coup against Taraki and the elimination of Hafizullah Amin". The article added that „none of these figures had connections with the Americans". AI Thawra also asked whether Afghan oppo­sition to the Soviet military intervention and other factors would turn Afghanistan into the USSR’s „graveyard". Later, President Saddam Hussain of Iraq said in an Army Day speech: „The fraught situation in Iran has been further complicated by events in Afghanistan. Foreign intervention in Afgha­nistan is a dangerous phenomenon which can­not be justified or excused". The intervention would cause „anxiety and resentment among all people who love freedom and independence and who fight to safeguard their freewill and sovereignty". ing, a flagrant violation of diplomatic privi­lege, occured on December 13. Ambassador expelled: Vsevoled Sofinsky, So­viet Ambassador in Wellington, has been ex­pelled from New Zealand for passing money to the Socialist Unity Party, a politically insig­nificant communist group whose secretary is a prominent trade union leader. Earlier, Dr. Ser­gei Zimin, a Novosti Press Agency journalist, was ordered to leave New Zealand as a token of the nation’s condemnation of the Soviet ac­tion in Afghanistan. New Zealand has also postponed or cancelled various trade, cultural and scientific talks with the USSR and has discontinued a joint fisheries research pro­gramme. Spies caught: Three staff members of Soviet Embassy in Ottawa — Captain Igor Bardeev, military, naval and air attaché; Colonel Eduard Aleksanjan, assistant military attaché; and V. I. Sokolov, a chauffeur - have been expelled from Canada for espionage. In February, 1978, 13 Soviet diplomats and other officials were ordered to leave Canada for the same reason. Death mystery: Father Milan Gono, a Slovak priest, died in mysterious circumstance in Bra­tislava prison in July, 1979, according to infor­mation recently received from Czechoslovakia. In March, 1979, he was charged with „theft of socialist property” and later additionally ac­cused of „sexual misconduct”. However, it is believed that the case against him was in re­ality based on the communist authorities’ bela­ted discovery that he had been ordained in secret. Ambassador quits: The Afghan Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Mohamed Akbar Harwani, has left Jeddah for Afghanistan to join the Muslim guerrillas fighting the invaders. Religious leaders arrested: Father Dimitri Dudko, a Russian Orthodox priest whose ser­mons have attracted large numbers of young people, is being detained by the KGB in Mos­cow following his arrest on January 15. The secret police reportedly tried to murder him in a motor >,accident” in 1976. Lev Regelson, a Russian Orthodox layman and leader of a discussion group called the Christian Seminar on Problems of the Religious Renais­sance, has been arrested in Tallinn, Estonia, where the yachting events in the 1980 Olympics are due to be held. Born in 1940, he is a phy­sics and mathematics graduate of Moscow Uni­versity. Broadcasting agreement: The Ethiopian and Romanian radio and television services signed an agreement in Addis Ababa recently. THE GUARDIAN OF LIBERTY (NEMZETŐR) «msyunohesdwilgidtefcesdowsfftoeifawàm Artteè» H, Uobtwttd Pedore*» ti Human M* Edited: by the Editorial Board Herausgeber — Publisher: TIBOR KECSKËSI TOLLAS Ferchenbachstraße 88, D-8000 München 50 GERMAN FEDERAL REPUBLIC Verantwortlicher Redakteur (Editor): MIKLÓS VARY Ferchenbachstraße 88, D-8000 München 50 (address see above) Druck (print): DANUBI A DRUCKEREI GMBH Ferchenbachstraße 88, D-8000 München 50 AFRICA REPRESENTATIVES A SALE CAMEROON: L. T. JOHNSON, Divisional Inspectorate of Education, BAMENDA-MEZAM, Div., North West Province. EAST AFRICA: (1.59 Sh, by air) (Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania): General-Representative: Swahili Literature Distributors, P.O. Box 1146, Nakuru/KENYA ETHIOPIA: (By air: ET % 0.75) G. P. GIANNOPOULOS, Int. Press Agen­cy, P.O. Box 120, Addis Ababa. NIGERIA (1.50 Sh): Yemi OYENEYE, P M. B. 101, Agege, Lagos. SIERRA LEONE: (10 Le. c.; annual: 60 Le. c.; by air: 1,20 Le.) 1. Alusine B. 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