The Guardian of Liberty - Nemzetőr, 1982 (5. évfolyam, 4-6. szám)

1982-11-01 / 6. szám

12 PRESS RELEASE The European Congress of Free Hungarians — a top organisation consisting of member-associations and leading personalities of the 380 000 Hungarian political refugees living in Western Europe, founded in 1970 in Strasbourg, — held the annual session of its General Assembly at the end of November, 1982, in Munich. Delegates from seven countries thoroughly discussed developments in the States under communist rule, forced into the.Soviet block. They expressed full solidarity with the two-year-old active and passive resistance of the heroic Polish people, headed by workers and young people, aiming at the recovery of national sovereignty and the liquidation of bankrupt Party monopoly and military dictatorship. This admirable struggle demanding high personal sacrifice, has chance of succeeding, if the West does not compromise to the detriment of the sore plight of Poland, but in­cessantly demands — by the means of suitable economic and political pressure — that Moscow respect the right of self-determination of the Polish nation, and if the rest of the Warsaw Pact States also pledge their solidarity with the Polish endeavours. In accordance with its statutes and main objectives, the European Congress of Free Hungarians keeps in mind the interests of the Hungarian people deprived of the right of self-determination and occupied by foreign armed forces, and does not intend to enter into contact with the nation’s oppressors because this would not yield any success in the present state of affairs. The regime in Budapest does not respect the resolutions of the Final Act of Helsinki. The cultural exchange sought also in relation with our community in exile, as well as the free flow of ideas and opinions, exists in the mind of the regime only as a oneway process; the communist rulers do not show any readiness to let into Hungary the mental, spiritual and political products of the Hungarians living in the West and numbering nearly one and a half million. (With the exception of a few individuals chosen by the regime and subordinating themselves to the terms and conditions of the Communists, and who do by no means represent the independent mentality of free Hungarians.) The European Congress of Free Hungarians welcomes the dissenting voices and activities in Hungary, aimed against the coercion by the regime and mainly originat­ing from the intellectual strata of Hungarian youth, in the form of samisdat issues, books and meetings. All this is surely evidence of solidarity with the Polish resist­ance. The young Hungarians’ demands will not fail having influence on the party dictatorship, if their effect spreads to an ever broader basis. The European Congress of Free Hungarians also dealt with the dictatorial peace­­treaties of Trianon and Paris, the brutal oppression of the Hungarian nationalities severed from the bulk of the nation and living in Roumania, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia. With a view to the acute problems arising as to nationalities in the Soviet Union, Moscow simply forbade the Budapest regime to care for the millions of Hungarians beyond the national frontiers whose outrageous, desperate situation raises sympathetic echo in the Press all over the free world. Thus only the free Hun­garians living in exile fight for the biological and cultural survival of the Hungarian nationalities and intervene at the international organisations, e. g. the Council of Europe, the European Parliament and the Organisation of the United Nations. The European Congress of Free Hungarians has resolved to step up this fight. Munich, November 30th, 1982 FREED POET TO WRITE BOOK (Continued from poge 11) the Cuban penal system, including prison con­ditions, summary trials and re-sentencing. Few long-term political prisoners are support­ers of the former dictator, Batista; most are dis­illusioned revolutionaries who came to oppose Dr. Castro’s drift and eventual conversion to Marxism. Prospects for the early release of these pris­oners, known as plantados, are bleak. Cuba’s 1976 Constitution in theory recognises freedom of conscience, but this is heavily circumscribed. Freedom of speech must be „in keeping with the objectives of a socialist society". In practice there is no such freedom - and no scope for political, intellectual or artistic dissent. OPPORTUNITY FOR YOUR FRIENDS: OU HAVE friends who you think would be interested in THE GUARDIAN OF TFRTY (Nemzetőr) wa will gladly send specimen copies free of charge. All you need to. fill in names add: esses below and send them to us. We will do the resl. ’’ end specimen copies of THE GUARDIAN OF LIBERTY (Nemzetőr) to the following ! .. 2. . . . 3 4. . . THE GUARDIAN OF LIBERTY (NEMZETŐR) H. IM. wl I»«ii- « ■ __________________________________________________ Edited by the Editorial Board Verleger, Herausgeber und Eigentümer TIBOR KECSKÊSI TOLLAS Journalist, Schriftsteller, München Ferchenbachstraße 88, D-8000 München 50 GERMAN FEDERAL REPUBLIC Verantwortlicher Redak'eur (Editor): MIKLÓS VARY Ferchenbachstraße 88, D-8000 München 50 Druck (print): DANUBIA DRUCKEREI GMBH Ferchenbachstraße 88, D-8000 München 50 AFRICA REPRESENTATIVES & SALE CAMEROON: L. T. JOHNSON, Divisional Inspectorate of Education, NKAMBE, North West Province, United Rép. of CAMEROON. EAST AFRICA: (2.— Sh, by air) (Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania): General-Rep resentaMve : International African Literary Agents. P.O. Box 46055 NAIROBI, Kenya; NIGERIA (2.— Sh): Yemi OYENEYE, P. M. 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