The Guardian of Liberty - Nemzetőr, 1985 (8. évfolyam, 1-6. szám)

1985-03-01 / 2. szám

BI-MONTHLY B 20435 V THE GUARDIAN OF LI B E RTY (NEMZETŐR) Vol. 2 XXIX MARCH-APRIL, 198S "Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion" Article 18 Universal Declaration of Human Rights Ethiopia-scale Food Crisis Eight Million May Starve in Sudan S udan’s famine will equal Ethiopia’s, in amount of food needed and numbers affected, by June, 1985. If no further aid pledges are made, 8.2 million people will face starvation, according to United Nations officials. These stark figures emphasise that although the African food crisis was bad in 1984, things could be even worse in the year ahead. A recent report published by the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) has identified 21 countries which face exceptional food supply problems during 1984/85. Of these, 15 countries were already affected in 1983/84 and are still considered to be facing a food crisis in 1984/85. These 15 are Angola, Bot­swana, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Chad, Ethiopia, Lesotho, Mali, Mauritania, Mozam­bique, Senegal, Somalia, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Food supplies are also threatened in a further six countries Burundi, Kenya, Moroc­co, Niger, Rwanda and Sudan. In Eastern Africa, the 1984/85 food supply problem is more severe and more widespread than the previous years. In Ethiopia, over seven million people, or about one-sixth of the total population, are affected by the cur­rent food shortages; an FAO crop assessment mission which visited the main cereal grow­ing areas has confirmed that this year’s harvest will be well below last year’s. In Kenya, as a result of the worst drought for many years, external assistance will be needed until the main harvest in late 1985. Poor crops have also been harvested in Burundi and Rwanda, while Somalia and Tanzania will continue to require large grain imports during 1984/85. (Continued on p. 2) Poster of the UN „Crisis Conference“ to help Africa’s starving millions, in Geneva, March 1985. CONTENTS: Half-million Afghans Threatened with Famine................................ 2 How Communists Cheer and Boo - 9 9 Romania: Martyr Priest Buried . 4 How to Free Psycho-Prison Inmates 5 More ’Treatment’ for Church Deacon 4-5 Eastern Europe 40 Years ago: Formation of ’Socialist Community’ - III...............................5-7 Behind the 'Peace' Mask ... 8 Ideologies Irrelevant to Development 9 Spy Was Given 'Peace' Assignment 9 Grenada Debacle Led to Cuban Purge 10
