Thaly Kálmán: II. Rákóczi Ferenc levéltára 2. osztály: Diplomatia 1. - Archivum Rákóczianum (Pest, 1872)

Angol diplomatiai iratok II. Rákóczi Ferencz korára. I. kötet

Stepney Hedges ministemek. — A palotagrófsági választó vette kézbe a magyarokkal való alkudozás ügyét, s ez iránti levele­ket már el is küldött rögtön, választ sürgetvén. — Heister iszonyú pusztításokat s kegyetlenségeket követett el Veszprémben s Fehérvárott. — Erdély állapota igen rossz; valószínű, hogy Rákóczit hívják meg fejedelemnek. — Nagy-Várad valószínűleg a felkelők hatalmába esik rövid idő alatt. — Eredeti levél. State Paper Office Germany N° 174. Vienna, 7th June 1704. Right HonWe (Kivonat.) In my last I had the honour to acquaint you, that the Elector Palatin had a mind to exert himself in the Nego­tiation with the Malcontents. To which end he has signed a very pressing letter which was prepared for him by Mr Consbruck the Emperor’s chief Secretary, and dispatched it on the 5th in the Evening by one of his own Couriers; I will not trouble you by repeating any parts bf what that letter contains, but send it you entire (No. 1) & leave you to make your own reflexions upon it. In the Paper (No. 2) are the Conditions on which Count Lamberg is to negotiate an Armistice. But it is uncertain when he will be in a condition of transacting, since we have no positive advice of his having yet left Presburgh, for want of a passport and a Convoy from the Malcontents who are very nume­rous in that Neighbourhood, & have been several times of late within Cannon shot of the City. Yesterday the Hungarian Deputies made me a visit, & were this day with M1' Bruyninx but have related little more to us than what we knew already. They have pro­mised us a Copy of 23 points they lately presented the Em­peror being such as H. I. Majesty and the King of the Romans have solemnly sworne to, on other occasions, yet have not seen them duely observed. You shall have them by this post if I receive them before it goes away. You sec the Elector desires a peremptory answer from the Arch
