Thaly Kálmán: II. Rákóczi Ferenc levéltára 2. osztály: Diplomatia 2. - Archivum Rákóczianum (Pest, 1873)

City of Hermanstat fallen into his Power these people are naturally so ambitious, greedy and daring, that it would have been dificult to have hindered their closing with such a proposal, for which they would not have wanted a fair pre­text and excuse, the article concerning Transilvania and the Treaty of Carlowitz being couched in such General terms as to admit of evasion. But the late Victory at the Pass of Schibs and the recovery of Transilvania by the Emperor’s Arms having struck a great Damp upon them and disappointed their hopefull project, Time will now best discover how they will employ their thoughts henceforward. But it may be presumed that the affairs of Hungary will take up a good part of them. I am etc. R. Sutton. 455. Stepney Harley ministernek. A ministerek még nem tudatták vele a császár szándókát. — A soproni magyar seregről semmi hir, hiszik, hogy Csalóközbe vonult. — Egy futár levele­ket hozott Rabvtintól s az erdélyi kormánytól, melyek szerint több város a magyaroktól elvétetett. E hó végén Erdélyben országgyűlés fog tartatni, melyben megtagadják Rákóczit s elis­merik a császárt törvényes uruknak. ■— Eredeti levél. • State Paper Offioe Germany 191. Vienna, 16th January 1706. Right Honble (Kivonat.) I have nothing pf moment to acquaint you with by this post, the ministers not having yet signified to me the Emperor’s resolution as to the declaration desired by the Hungarians. We hear nothing more of the Army of Malcontents who were before Oedenbourg, and suppose they are retired towards the Islands of Schütt. A courier arrived 3. days ago from Transilvania with letters of the 16th past from Feld Marshall Rabutin and
