Kónya Péter - Kónya Annamária (szerk.): A reformációtól egyházalapításig a szepesváraljai zsinat 400. évfordulójára (Prešov, 2015)

Magyarországi protestánsok a 17. században - Petrőczi Éva: Prédikáció - "Kométa" nélkül Lippóci Miklós igehirdetése a kassai nagytemplomban, 1682. augusztus 17-én

PRÉDIKÁCIÓ - „KOMÉTA” NÉLKÜL LIPPÓCI MIKLÓS IGEHIRDETÉSE A KASSAI NAGYTEMPOMBAN, 1682. AUGUSZTUS 17-ÉN PETRŐCZIÉva Sermon - Without “Comet”; Liturgical Sermon of Mikulás Lippóci in a Chapel of Kosice, August 17, 1682 Nicholas Lippóci was courteous preacher of Imre Thököly. A few weeks before his well-known sermon in the temple of Kaschau, Thököly married Ilona Zrínyi. At present, it is a great loss that there was preserved only one sermon in printed form, in spite of the fact it has become very important for the history of Hungarian Protestant homiletics. In my analysis, I tried to balance various historical (memories connected with the cast of Kaschau and short Protestant, restaurant), literary-historical and theological perspectives. The sermon of Lippóci on Thököly did not put a symbolic name „comet” as it was in the case of many of his peers, contemporaries or many church-historical and historical documents, seeking to clarify the controversial status of the prince. On the one hand, Thököly tried to be a defender of Luthers faith all over Europe; he has been recognized as the „Defensor Fidei”. On the other hand, his contemporaries and followers criticized him that many military successes - the conquest of Kaschau - were held solely by Ottoman, pagan and policy support. The study mentions that the image of Thököly has been changed several times, depending on the policy. In the 80s, the emphasis was put on his role, as Kuruc leader and anti-Habsburg warrior and his religious motives were suppressed into the background. Therefore, we considered it important that famous Lippóci's sermon of Kaschau should become a part of better understanding and interpretation of Thököly. Key words: Mikulás Lippóci, Imrich Thököly, Sermon, Kaschau. Puritanizmuskutatóként nem tudom elhallgatni egy, a korábbi évtizedek Thököly-kutatásaival, illetve, ha nem is minden, de igen sok, az ő személyé­hez köthető publikációval kapcsolatos észrevételemet. Nevezetesen azt, hogy a tiszteletre méltó kivételektől eltekintve a fejedelem (s egy ideig, szűk terü­leten bár, de mégiscsak királyi rangot nyert Habsburg ellenes politikus-had­vezér!) valódi szerepvállalásához képest mindmáig meghökkentően kevés 319
