Eszmélet, 1992 (4. évfolyam, 13-17. szám)

1992 / 15-16. szám - OLVASÓJEL - 1:0 a tudomány javára - Jelentős siker a Marx-Engels összkiadás folytatásáért tett erőfeszítések nyomán

struggle of interests in the world system is waged in the form of the struggle of nations ..................................................................................257 Overtrick László Zalai K.: The Myth of Reality (On the ideological-methodological shortcomings of Wallerstein's development criticism) The author undertakes the task of pin-pointing the contradictions of Wal­lerstein's capitalism-idea with special regard to that aspect which can be found in his advancement concept by which he measures progress with the decrease in the level of exploitation. (This is just the opposite of the process which in fact, has taken place in history). In contrast to Waller­­stein (and in harmony with Marx), the author argues that capitalism - although it has increased exploitation - has represented advancement in every respect, at the same time creating the conditions of going beyond it. Zalai expresses his doubts whether the centre-periphery relationship truly increases impoverishment and whether the impact of the centre to pull should not be taken into account with the same weight ..............30 Associations (G. K.): What is the thing for which the heroes of “world freedom” have sacrificed their lives? The author studies the origins of the (19th century) idea of “world free­dom" and discusses the changes of the idea of the world systems at cer­tain stages of the history of the left wing movements. He raises questions on whether there can be freedom valid for the whole world? He takes a stand in favour of the idea that a world system organized on the basis of the principle of an "intellectual mode of production" covering the whole of the world economy and society - described in Eszmélet earlier - can present an alternative to the capitalist world system .........................246 Imre Marton: Are the historical possibilities of the left getting ex­hausted? The author starts out from the collapse of socialism in Eastern Europe and states that this is only part of the general push of the left in the back­ground. The essential cause of that in his view, is the failure of the left to give a progressive response to the process of transnationalisation and that it remained within the national framework and became conservative. He separately deals with the topical dilemmas of the EC, the strategy of “deepening" and "broadening” which has a sensitive impact on Eastern and Central Europe. He outlines the duties of the left wing and stresses the dangers of sticking to "ouvrierism" (mystification of the workers) and at the same time, he terms as a prime goal, the search for the methods of an offensive against the extreme right ............................................209 Book mark «• László Andor: Schumacher in Hungary (Ernst F. Schumacher: Small is beautiful) In this book review, the editor of our journal aims at showing - as it was the case with Hayek or Keynes - that in the works of an author who is
