Geodézia és kartográfia 2001 (53. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

2001 / 12. szám - ISMERTETÉS

Horváth, К.: Prof. К. Oltay should be 120 years old..................................................6/3 Joó, I. - Joó, I. Jr.: General idea about the varations in hungarian surveying and in the Hungarian enterprises................4/5 Joó, I. - Joó, I. /un.: Interview with gen. director of the Geodesy and Cartography Corporation...................................................10/6 Joó, I. - Joó, I. /'un.: The Hungarian Geodetist's 2001 Convention in Szombathely................8/3 Joó, /.: About the Hungarian education on surveying and cartography......................6/7 Joó, /.: Im Memory of E. Regőczi.....................2/3 Joó, /.: Supervision of a multivariable model on recent vertical movements (RVM) ........3/10 Joó, /.: Teaching of the subjects on surveying, mapping and GIS in the Hungarian universities and technical colleges..............7/13 Joó, I: New lines for RVCM investigation ...12/19 Juhász, A.: Object and occurence reconstruction with GIS softwares...............6/20 Király, T: Hungarian lands and mapping services on network......................................2/23 Kolcsár, /.: Digital terrain model (DTM) at a given part river Tisza in order to the flood protection design....................5/1 7 Kovács, Z. - Detrekői, A.: New Year's Greetings..........................................................1/3 Kovács, Z. - Keszey, Zs. - Mrs. Keszey Say, E.: Geodetical and geotechnical investigation the main building and surrouding of the College for Public Administration.............10/21 Kovács, Z.: Opening speech to the Geodetists' 2001 Convention..........8/11 Kozári, A. - Szilvay, G.: Experiences of the legal acceptance of digital cadastral maps and DAT database in the Budapest Land Office INFOCAM LIS system...................................5/12 Kőszegi, G.: Current tasks of the Hungarian Land Administration........................................7/3 Latkóczy, О.: About the results and actual efforts of the Hungarian land registration...............3/3 Monhor, D.: Measurement errore, central limit theorems, hypotheses of Hagen and normal distribution................................1/11 Nagy, E.: Ideas about the future land registration......................................................12/7 Nagy, /.: Situation of digital mapping in Vas county.................................................8/28 Németh, A.: Digital maps in the Hungarian nuclear power station (Paks)......................10/16 Németh, Zs. - Virág, G. - Borza, T: The K-GEO Accreditated Calibration Laboratory.....................................................11/19 Omaszta, S.: On the Cartographic Receptibility of the TAKAROS System...........2/9 Osskó, A.: Advantages of the Unified Multipurpose Land Registry System..............5/6 Osskó, A. - Szilvay, G.: Experiences of introducing digital cadastral maps in Budapest Land Office..............................12/3 Paskó, A.: The partial update and use of DTA50 in the creation process of topographic maps in scale 1:50 000 based on NATO standards...................................11/32 Perstic, T: Firm of MOM - A huge factory from the past (II. part)............................................1/22 Perstic, T: Firm of MOM - A huge factory from the past (III. part)..........................................3/13 Ponicsán, G.: The map foundation of the Integrated Administrative and Controlling System (IACS) in the land based subsidy...........................8/34 Pödör, A.: Testing the symbolization methods of special purpose thematic maps............2/36 Raum, F.: Fifty years ago ..............................10/11 Siki, Z.: GeoEasy calculating program for surveyors................................................12/27 Suba, J.: Set out and maps of the Hungary's frontier after Trianon peace-treaty (IV. part)...................................4/12 Suba, J.: Set out and maps of the Hungary's frontier after Trianon peace-treaty (III. part) ....................................3/6 Suba, J.: Set out and maps of the Hungary's frontier after Trianon peace-treaty (II. part).....................................2/4 Suba, J.: Set out and maps of the Hungary's frontier after Trianon peace-treaty (I. part).....................................1/25 Szabó, Gy.: Conversion of the topographic map system in the Hungarian Army..........8/16 Tokos, T: A comparison of six adjustments the Hungarian First Order Levelling Network.............................7/23 Völgyesi, L. - Varga, J.: Conversion between Hungarian and Austrian map projection system using GPS.........................................2/31 Winkler, R: 20 Years of FÖMI Remote Sensing Centre...........................................11/10 Winkler, R: Aerial photography of Hungary 2000..............................................7/1 7 INTERVIEW Joó, I. - Joó, I. jun.: Interview with the gen. director of the Geodesy and Cartography Corporation .................10/6 8
