Geodézia és kartográfia 2008 (60. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

2008 / 3. szám - Márton Mátyás: Egy elfeledett magyar csoda: Perczel László földgömbje - az első "világtérképmű"?

[13] Révai Nagy Lexikona I-XXI. Kötet, Mul­timédia Holding Rt., én. (Hypertextes 2 CD-ROM) [14] Nagy Iván: Magyarország családai, Ma­gyar Hírlap, 2001 (Hypertextes CD-ROM, MH200103) [15] Új magyar életrajzi lexikon, P-S, Magyar Könyvklub, Budapest, 2004 [16] Magyar életrajzi lexikon, http://mek.oszk. hu/00300/00355/html/ABCl1587Z12044.htm [17] Dr Brózik Károly [szerk.]: Nagy Magyar Atlasz, Lampel R. Könyvkereskedése, Buda­pest, 1906 A unique but forgotten Hungarian product: The globe of László Perczel - the first world map work? Márton, M. Summary László Perczel’s manuscript earth globe, which has a diameter of 132 cm, was completed by 1862. Due to its geographically accurate, detailed and aesthetic representation of the Earth as well as its large number of geographical names, the globe deserved the broad international appreciation. This outstanding globe of its age has been only rarely discussed in the Hungarian cartographic literature. This is probably because its real values - which would deserve much more attention - can only be guessed due to its poor state. The present globe cannot be shown neither to the public, nor to the Hungarian or foreign professionals. After studying the available documents and data about the globe maker László Perczel, the author shows the contradictions in the literature; the author, based on his past experiments of globe making, makes an estimate of the time that was needed to prepare the globe. He recommends the use of digital technology to restore the globe, which would then make it possible to display the globe to the public. The renewal would have the following stages: • Preparation of a virtual Perczel’s globe at the Department of Cartography and Geo­informatics at Eötvös Loránd University within the frame of the OTKA project К 72104, which supports the establish­ment of the „Virtual Museum of Globes”. This would mean the preparation of a 3D „facsimile” of the globe completed with a detailed description of the globe and the analysis of map extracts. The result would also be a precise picture documentation of the present state. • The virtual restoration of the globe would follow by completing the injured parts by using contemporary sources and follow­ing the representation style of the original globe; in this way, those sources could be probably found that the author had used. • Preparation of a digital facsimile: the „re­production” of the globe. The process would be similar to the work carried out by the Department in 1993, when „Atlas of Central Europe” of Teleki and Rónai was published. The „vision” of the new globe may be realized by 2012, on the 150th anniversary of its making. The Hungarian cartographic community would be proud of presenting the re-born globe in its original beauty and with its rich content to the world. The digital documentation and restoration of the globe would also serve as the basis of the physical restoration of this piece of our cultural heritage. Tájékoztatjuk kedves olvasóinkat, hogy a Magyar Földmérési, Térképészeti és Távérzékelési Társaság programjairól, híreiről rendszeresen tájékozódhatnak honlapunkon is. Címünk: MFTTT vezetőség 16
