1959 / 2. sz. - BIBLIOGRÁFIA

Scott, IF.: Smollett's „The Tears of Scottland". RES 38—42. Scott-James, R. A.: The Genius of Chesterton. NR (apr. 29.) 20—21. Scott-Kilvert, J.: Tile Hero iu Search of a Dramatist. The Plays of John Osborne. En Dec. 26—30. Shanrock, It.: Speech and Prose in Wordsworth's Pre­face. EC 108—111. Short, C.: Joyce's „A Little Cloud." MLN 275—278. Shuman, 11. IS.: Buddhistic Overtones in Eliot's „The Cocktail Party". MLN 426—427. Shusterman, D.: William Rathborne Greg and Mrs, Gaskell. PQ 268—272. Silverman, A. H.: Bernard Shaw's Shakespeare Criti­cism. PMLA 722—736. Singer, В.: Scarlet Eminence. A Study of the Poetry of Hugh MacDiarmid. En March 49—62. Smidt, 1Í.: Points of View in Victorian Poetry. ES 1—12. Smith, C. J.: Wordsworth and Coleridge : The Growtli of a Theme. SPh 53—64. Smith, J. II.: Some Sources of Dryden's Toryism, 1682— 1684. HLQ (20.) 233—243. Spencer, T. J. В.: Shakespeare and the Elizabethan Romans. ShS (10.) 27—38. Stullman, R. IF.: Time and the Unnamed Article in „The Ambassadors". MLN 27—32. [H. James.] Slang, R.: The Literary Criticism of George Eliot. PMLA 952—961. Stange, в. lt.: Dickens and the Fiery Past : „A Tale of Two Cities" Reconsidered, EJ 381—390. States, Jr., It. O.: The Stage History of Shelley's „The Cenci" PMLA 633—644. Stedmand, J. M.: Another Possible Analogue for Swifts's „Tale of a Tub". MLN 13—18. Sleadman, J. M.: Falstaff's 'Facies Hippocratia'. (A Note on Shakespeare and Renaissance Medical Theory.) SNeoP 130—135. Stevenson, lt.: Robert Louis Stevenson's Musical Inter­est. PMLA 700—704. Stone, В.: Dickens's Use of His American Experiences in „Martin Chuzzlewit". PMLA 464—478. Stürzt, F.: Die Zeit in den Drainen J. B. Priestleys. G KM 37—52. Sutherland, J. II.: A Reconsideration of Gulliver's Third Voyage. SPh 45—52. Sutherland, J. В.: Robert Rage : Novelist of Ideas. PQ 211-220. Thayer, С. в.: The Ambiguity of Bosola. SPh 162—171 [Webster.] Thiébaut, M.: James Joyces et divers dédales. RP October 143—159. Thomas, J. I).: The Date of Mandeville's Travels. MLN 165—169. Thompson, K. F.: Richard II, Martyr. ShQ 159—160. Towers, A. lt.: Sterne' Cock and Buli Story. ELH 12—29. Trilling, L.: Emma. En June 49—59. [Jane Austen.] Tucker, S. I.—Gifford, H.: Johnson's Poetic Imagination. RES 241—248. Tyre, R. H.: Versions of Poetic Justice in the Early Eighteenth Century. SPh 29—44. Vieth, D. M.: Poems by „My Lord R." Rochester Versus Radclyffe. PMLA 612—619. IVark, R. R.: A Minor Blake Conundrum. HLQ (21.) 83—86. Warner, A.: A Note on Antony and Cleopatra. E (64.) 139—144. Walson, II. TF.: George Meredith's Sandra Belloni The „Philosopher" on the Sentimentalists. ELH 321— 335. Wend, A.: The Moral Allegory of Jonathan Wild. ELH 306—320. West, А.: Ц. G. Wells. En Febr. 52—59. Whitbread, L.: Notes on Two Minor Old English Poems. SNeoP 123—129. Müller, D.: Über die Schilderung einer Vergiftung in Shakespeares „Hamlet". WZ Berlin 75—86. Neiman, F.: The Zeitgeist of Matthew Arnold. PMLA 977—«96. Neubert, A.—Stanzet, F.: Die typischen Erziihlsituationen im Hornau. Dargestellt an Tom Jones, Moby-Dick, The Ambassadors, Ulysses u. a. ZfA 439—441. Николюкин, A. H. : Байрон, Шелли и современная им английская массовая поэзия. IAN 4. sz. 311—323. Nikoljukin, A. N.: Die Massenpoesie in England am Ende des 18. und zu Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts. ZfA 357—377. Notte, F.: David Macbeth Moir as Morgan Odorherty. PMLA 803—806. Nowottny, W. M. T.: The Application of Textual Theory to Hamlet's Dying Words. MLR 161—167. Nowottny, IT'. M. T.: Lear's Questions. ShS (10.) 90—97 O'Donnell, N. F.: Shaw, Bunyan and Puritanism. PMLA 520—533. Ogden, H. I'. S.: The Crisis of „Paradise Lost" Recon­sidered. PQ 1—19. Olson, A.: ,,A Midsummer Night's Dream" and the Meaning of Court Marriage. ELH 95—119. Parandowski, J.: Begegnung mit Joyce. DR 279—284. Punish, St. M.: „The Thorn" : Wordsworth's Dramatic Monologue. ELH 153—163. Part ridge. К. H. The Symbolism of Clothes in Jonson's Last Plays. JEGPh 396—409. Patterson, Ch. I.: The Meaning and Significance of Wordsworth's ..Peele Castle". JEGPh 1—9. Peschmann, H.: The Poetry of Walter De la Mare. E (54.) 129—133 Pinto, V. de S.: Was Hobbes ail Ogre? EC 22—27. Popkin, 11. II.: A Manuscript of Raleigh's „The Scep­ticke". PQ 253—259. Pons, F.: Swift, créateur linguistique. CS (344.) 31—39. Poss, St.: „Ulysses" and the Comedv of the Immobilized Act. ELH 65—83. [Joyce.] Power, IF.: Thomas Middleton vs. King James I. NQ 526—534. Price, C.: Six Letters by Christopher Smart. RES 144— 148. Purser, J. TF. 11.: Interpretation of „The Ancient Ma­riner". RES 249—256. Ruder, li. IF.; Thackeray's Injustice to Fielding. JEGPh 203—212. Raine, К.: Some Sources of Tiriel. HLQ 1—36. Reiss, F.: An Instance of Milton's Use of Time. MLI4 410—412. Reuter, H. П.: Von der Veränderung der Welt. Au 642—645. [Shaw humanizmusa, esztétikai nézetei, dráma-technikája. ) Ribner, I.: Political Issues in „Julius Caesar". JEGPh 10—22. [Shakespeare.] Richter, J.: Swift au pays de Kabbale. CS (344.) 5—14. Rivoallan, A.: Un excentrique écrivain : George Borrow. ItdLM 73—76. Robb, О.: On the Articles of Comrades Kettle and Con­ forth. MT 95—96. [Vita Blake értékeléséről.] Roberts, M.: Organs of Critical Opinions : III. London Magazin. EC 144—162. Roe, A. S.: A Drawing of the Last Judgment. HLQ (21.) 37—55. Roellinger, Jr.—Français. X.: The Early Development of Carlyle's Style. PMLA 936—951. Samuel, I.: The Dialogue in Heaven : A Reconsideration of „Paradise Lost", III. 1—417. PMLA 601—611. Saunders. J. IF.: Hamlet at the Globe. EC 282—294. Schranzer. E.: Atavism and Anticipation in Shakes­peare's Style. EC 242—256. Schick, G. В.: Appreciation of Milton as a Criterion of Eighteenth Century Taste. NQ 113—114. Schlauch, M.: Postacie symboliczne i technika symboliki u Shawa. (Szimbolikus alakok és a szimbolika tech­nikája Shaw-nál.) KwN 30—40. [Orosz kiv.] Schlösser, A.: John Galsworthys Bedeutung als Drama­tiker ZfA 133 152 Schmidt, T.: Elizabeth Barrett Browning. DR 600— 608. Schmitz, R. M.: Two New Holographs of Pope's Birthday Lines to Martha Blount. RES 234—240. Schrick, IF.: Coleridge's vroege contacten met wijsgerige stelsels. RLV 506—516. Wicker, Br.: The Disputed Lines in „The Fall of Hype­rion." EC 28—41. Wigod, J.: Kent's Ideal in the „Ode on a Grecian Urn". PMLA 113—121. Willy, M.: The Poetry of Edmund Blunden. E (66.) 213—217. Wilson, F. A. C.: Patterns in Yeats's Imagery : The Heme's Egg. MP 46—52. Worth, G. J.: The English „Maupassant School" of the 1890's : Some Reservations. MLN 337—340.
