Haematologia 1. (1967)

1967 / 1. szám

HAEM ATOL OGI A is a new international quarterly publishing original papers on haematology. It also pro­vides the reader with complex and up-to-date information on both research and clini­cal practice. A General Survey, an Open Forum, Book Reviews, Abstracts of more important papers from other periodicals and a Documentation of the well-known and the less accessible journals are to serve this purpose. Haematologia is published at quarterly intervals, the four issues per year make up a volume of some 500 pages. Subscription price : I 12 per volume (per year). Orders may be placed with KULTURA Trading Company for Books and Newspapers Budapest 62. P.O.B. 149 or with its representatives abroad, listed on the verso of the cover. Contents Foreword 3 Bernard, J.: Remarques sur la tumeur de Burkitt 5 R. Holtán, S., G. Szelényi, J., Lehmann, H., Beale, D.: A Boston-type haemoglobin M in Hungary: haemoglobin M Kiskunhalas 11 Levin, E., Beutler, E.: Human erythrocyte adenylate kinase 19 Storti, E., Lusvarghi, E., Grignaffini, G. F., Sgandurra, A.: Biological and clinical sig­nificance of the adrenalin test in haematology 27 Hofejsí, J.: Effect of reduced glutathione on the dissociation curve of haemoglobin. Possible therapeutic use of glutathione in haemorrhagic shock 35 Waubke, R., Gerstmair, G., Trepel, F., Pichlmaier, H., Begemann, H. : Wirkung von Röntgen-Ganzkörper- und -Extrakorporal-Bestrahlung auf die Lymphozyten des peripheren Blutes 45 Чернцова T. А., Сусоева, В. M.: Опыт лечения миелобромолом больных хрониче­ским миелолейкозом 61 Péter, Á., Szatmári, É., Romhányi, J., Letenyei, K.: Changes in the myelogram in pan­encephalitis nodosa (Subacute sclerosing leucoencephalitis) 79 Book Reviews 85 Abstracts 88 From the international literature on haematology 96
