Haematologia 2. (1968)

1968 / 1. szám

H AEMATOLOGIA is a new international quarterly publishing original papers on haematology. It also pro­vides the reader with complex and up-to-date information on both research and clini­cal practice. A General Survey, an Open Forum, Book Reviews, Abstracts of more important papers from other periodicals and a Documentation of the well-known and the less accessible journals are to serve this purpose. Haematologia is published at quarterly intervals, the four issues per year make up a volume of some 500 pages. Subscription price: S 12 per volume (per year). Orders may be placed with KULTURA Trading Company for Books and Newspapers Budapest 62. P.O.B. 149 or with its representatives abroad, listed on the verso of the cover. Contents pollack, tV., Singher, H. O., Gorman, J. G., Freda, V. J.: The prevention of isoimmuni­zation to the Rh factor by passive immunization with Rh„ (D) immune globulin (human) 1 Lie-Injo, L. E., Fudenberg, H. H., Lehmann, H., Gallo, E.: Simultaneous occurrence of haemoglobin J Baltimore, macroglobulinaemia, haemolytic anaemia,i and increased foetal haemoglobin 9 Dintenfass, L.: Fluidity (internal viscosity) of the erythrocyte and its role n physiology and pathology of circulation 19 Wolff-Plodowska, A., Murawski, K.: Absorption spectrum of ferrihaemoglobin A„ 37 Lisiewicz, J.: Thromboplastic, antiheparin and antithrombin activity of leukaemic leucocytes 43 Sas, G., Jákó, J., Pálos, L. A.: A simple and fast method of plasminogen determination 51 Lopéz, V.: Versuche zur Differentialbestimmung der Plasmininhibitoren im menschlichen Plasma 59 Fischer, M., Lechner, K.: Eine neue Sippe mit angeborenem Faktor Xlll-Mangel 79 de Vries, S. /., den Cate, J. W., den Hartog-Veerman, M. E.: Quelques remarques sur la thrombocytopathie acquise des urémiques 89 Gräber, H., Árr, M.: Lymphoid plasmocytoma 101 Strausz, L, Barcsák, J., Kékes, E., Szebeni, Á.: Prednisolone-induced acute changes in circulating neutrophil granulocytes. 111. In cases of pernicious anaemia 109 Abstracts 117 From the international literature on haematology 120
