Haematologia 5. (1971)

1971 / 1-2. szám

HAEMATOLOGIA is an international quarterly publishing original papers on haematology. It also pro­vides the reader with complex and up-to-date information on both research and clini­cal practice. A General Survey, an Open Forum, Book Reviews, Abstracts of more important papers from other periodicals and a Documentation of the well-known and the less accessible journals are to serve this purpose. Haematologia is published at quarterly intervals, the four issues per year make up a volume of some 500 pages. Subscription price: $12 per volume (per year). Orders may be placed with KULTURA Trading Company for Books and Newspapers Budapest 62. P.O.B. 149 or with its representatives abroad, listed on the verso of the cover. Contents In memóriám Josif Abramovitch Kassirsky | 3 Lapis, K., Schuler, D. : Effect of tetra-o-methyl-sulphonyl-D-mannitol (R-52) on the ultra­structure of lymphoid cells in tissue culture 5 Malec, J., Wojnarowska.M., Kornacka,L.: Nuclear RNA of normal and leukaemic human leucocytes 25 Teitel, P., Szász, I. : A haemorheological view on molecular interactions between red blood cell constituents 37 Brabec, V., Sebestík, V.: Sequestration von wärmealterierten Erythrocyten bei normalen und “hypersplenischen” Ratten 45 Lande, J., Hniková, О., Brychnáő, V.: Megaloblastic anaemia in children due to isolated vitamin В,, malabsorption 57 Louwagie, A. C., Waes, J. A., Van Vuchelen, J, Verwilghen, R. L. : Bone marrow syndrome after lethal whole body irradiation in the dog. I. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of the peripheral blood and bone marrow cellularity 67 Louwagie, A. C., Waes, J. A., Van Vuchelen, J., Verwilghen, R. L.: Bone marrow syn­drome after lethal whole body irradiation in the dog. II. Iron kinetics 79 Solymoss, B., Somogyi, A , Kovács, K.: Effect of spironolactone and proadifen on 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene-induced haematologic changes 87 Arky, L: Sensitive method for the in vitro detection of very small X-ray doses 97 Medgyesi, G. A., Pákh, M., Gergely, J.: Specificity of antibodies against human IgG myeloma proteins precipitating neither Fab nor Fc fragments 99 Яворковский, JT. И., Кондрашова, M. Я., Поддубная, E. В., Пушкарев, И. А., Яворковская, E.K.; K вопросу о прэлсхождении парапротеина сыворотки у больных хрони­­ческим лимфолейкозом 109 Ambrus, M., Péley, L, Bajtai, G., Pácsa, S.: Congenital rubella syndrome: clinical, virological and immunological aspects 117 Libieh, M , Májsky, A.: Eine atypische AjB-Blutgruppe bei einem gesunden Spender 127 International Committee for Standardization in Haematology: Proposed Recommen­dations for Measurement of Serum Iron in Human Blood 137 Book Reviews 141 Abstracts 146 From the International Literature of Haematology 151
