Kapu, 2014. február (26. évfolyam, 2. szám)

Ferrari Vibration GT Cockpit 458 Italia Edition LICENSED FOR XBOX 360. 2 üuitantf Corpotanon S 4 Hercules* md Tluustmast«* are register«! tot .C-:ivL,:f V igeneit group o! companies 4B other trademarks and br. ed trademarks <i Ferra» SpA Thts product is manufactured under liceroefrom Vicroscdt Corpotation Microsoft Fine their respective owners. llustrauons nt» binding Contents. designs and sperrte itions iw sutiad to change without i o« UVE Xb« in') and the Xbo* logos nay vary (tom one country to another> hereby acknowledged and ate property et i www.thrustmaster.com For PC and Xbox 360® Compatible PC WINDOWS® 8, 7, Vista® & XP http://red -collection, thrustmaster com PRODUCED UNDER LICENSE Of FERRARI SPA FERRARI THE PRANCING HORSE OEVICE, All ASSOCIATED LOGOS AND DISTINCTIVE DESIGNS ARE TRADEMARKS OF FERRARI SPA. THE BODY DESIGNS Of THE FERRARI CARS ARE PROTECTED AS FERRARI PROPERTY UNDER DESIGN. TRADEMARK AND TRADE DRESS REGULATIONS
