Katolikus Szemle 7. (1955, Róma)

1. szám

SUMMARY In this Easter issue of the KATOLIKUS SZEMLE M. Csery-Clauser explains the ideas of P. D. Dubarl, professor of the Institut Catholique of Paris, concerning the vital importance of Christian moral principles in the extraordinary technical and social changes of our age and the necessity of equal participation in the goods of civilisation for all mankind. Recalling the spiritual values of the literary world oi Paul Claudel, who died last February, we publish a synthesis of a study of Albert BéguLn, late professor of French literature at the University of Basel, explaining the spiritual way of the great Catholic poet. László Cs. Szabó, the outstanding Hungarian essayist, who lives in London gives a colorful historical picture of Canterbury, the old English Cathedral town, showing the Catholic roots of English Christianity. Kovách Balázs, who lives in Jiapan, telils us the first part of Catholic mission history in that country, and György Káldi deals with a new branch of Catholic science, Church-sociology, in its relation to Catholic Action. We present also selected poems of the young Hungarian poetess Mária Agnes Csiky, whose home is now in Germany, a short story of Zoltán Szitnyai and a meditation of Tibor Flórián. Fr. Ince Dám OFM publishes the second part of his historical study of the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception in the theological literature of XVth century Hungary. We give also a detailed account of the Pope's Chrismas allocution, deter­mining the real conditions of a peaceful coexistence of East and West, and a short synthesis of his speech addressed to the 8th International Medical Congress, dealing with the problems of medical ethics. Dénes Nemestóthy, in his commentary on world policy, explains the recent changes in the Soviet leadership and the problems presented by Formosa. László Nagy recalls the memory of the former heroic military chaplan, Mgr. Károly Subik, who died last year in Austria. News of the Vatican and of the Church's life in different countries as well as book-reviews complete this issue. O O R V I N A a Korvin Mátyás Olasz-Magyar Tudományos, Irodalmi és Művészeti Egyesület hathavi olasznyelvű folyóirata Az emigráció és a külföldi magyarság egyetlen idegennyelvű tudományos, kulturális folyóirata Alapította (1920): Berzeviczy Albert, Gerevich Tibor és Zambra Alajos Ülnök: Fulvio Marói Főszerkesztő: Pálinkás László Szerkesztőség: Prof. László Pálinkás, Firenze, Piazza S. Marco, 4 Kiadóhivatal: VALMARTINA EDITORÉ, Firenze, Via Mannelli, 85 Évi előfizetés Olaszországban 2500 líra, külföldön 5 dollár Az Egyesület tagjai az évi tagdíj ellenében díjtalanul kapják a folyóiratot Évi tagdíj Olaszországban 2000 líra, külföldön 4 dollár Alapító tagság Olaszországban 50.000 líra, külföldön 100 dollár. ACTIO CATHOLICA HUNGARORUM in EXTERIS ROMA KATOLIKUS SZEMLE Redattore ed Editoré Responsabile: ALBERTO AMBRO Tipografia « Ars Graf » - Via Banchi Vecchi. 12 - Tel. 52-576 - ROMA
