Kereskedelmi Szemle, 1995 (36. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

1995-07-01 / 7. szám

BERÉNYI, Lajos Market and trade: Q & A The author, who is Deputy Secretary of State in the Ministry of In­dustry and Trade informs our readers on major topics of the time by answering our questions. Such topics are, for instance: privatization of commerce, inflow of foreign capital, investment activity of joint ven­tures. The ousting of black market, quality of imported products, as well as the effect of customs surcharge were particulary stressed. The Hungarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce TOLNAI, Lajos, Chairman of HCI&C interviewed by Berényi József Answering our questions the Chairman of the Chamber told us that the Chamber seeks after undertaking public tasks from the Ministry in charge, such ones that can be accomplished more efficiently and better serving the interests of the traders in a decentralized way. By the virtue of Act XVI. of 1994, the Act of Chambers, chambers are authorized to handle certain issues of public administration. They are still kept waiting for the transfer of functions of public law. Tolnai Lajos referred also to the cooperation agreement established between MI&C and HCI&C not long ago. FALUSNÉ SZIKRA, Katalin Welfare state and social safety The author sets out from presenting the emergence of the welfare state and its types. Thereafter she shows via the example of EC and OECD countries how the social security system and the proportion of welfare outlays developed in these countries after World War II. Finally she summarizes the trends that characterize the social safety systems almost without exception. Beside declining benefits and holding back of care by the state, social outlays are charged on the family. JANDALA, Csilla-GUBÁN, Pál Tourism marketing strategy for Csongrád County The authors outline first the features of tourism in Csongrád County and then present marketing strategy for creating a new tourism image thereof. Finally they sketch the tasks in implementing the marketing strategy for the County General Assembly, the local municipalities, and County Tourinform Office. KENÉZ, Győzóné On the future of village tourism The author stresses the growing importance of village tourism. A detailed account is given of the job done by EUROGITES, the inter­national organization for village tourism founded in 1990. The Society of Village and Farm Hostelries is a member of this organization on Hungarian behalf. EUROGITES took also charge of promotion of marketing village tourism. They worked out the criteria for establishing a unified system of computerized lodging register, and these conditions must be satisfied by member country, hence by Hungary as well. The elaboration of a unified qualification system is also going on. BÉHM, Imre-LŐRINGZ, Ferenc Changes in the organization of the domestic trading system between 1982 and 1994 After a brief survey of the previous system the authors present the state of the transformation of trading companies today. Due to priva­tization, the share of state property in the total of all economic organi­zations became just only 25% at the end of 1994. The authors give a short account on the share of foreign operating capital, the development of the shop network, and the manpower situation in commerce, too. DRÁBIK, László-SZERÉNYI, Antal Governmental order about fairs and open markets Authors make clear the idea of fairs, open markets, market halls and markets like exhibitions and after that give detailed information about the governmental order No. 35/1995. (IV. 5.) on this topics. The order prescribes the terms of the participation at the fairs and the open markets, the products which may be to sell or forbidden, the controll at the market and the striking off the goods from the register. MAKARUK, Ludwik Does import dominate the Polish market? It is public belief that the Polish market is flooded with imported products, which crowd out the domestic goods. Some phenomens really reinforce this belief, but numerical evaluation of the facts shows some­thing else. The numerical analysis is not easy at all because of unreli­able data, the author completed his evaluation by using connected data, and showed that in contradiction with the public opinion the share of Poland in the world trade is pretty low. It concerne not only the export but the import as well. The low level of the later bering just a con­sequence of that of the former. The task is not the reduction of import but lather the increase of the export, and on this basis the import can grow again. BÍRÓ, Klára Changing image of the retail trade in Japan In Japanese domestic trade the essential changes started in 1991. Competition grows more embittered, the commercial network and sel­ling form must comply with. This explains the closing of 90,000 small neighbourhood shops in recent years, as well as the rapid spread of discount sale. The state complies with the changes by relaxing or re­pealing the strong restriction on shop’s floor-space or opening hours. The volume XXXVI. Nr. 7/1995 issue of the Periodical Review Kereskedelmi Szemle also contains the follow­ing items: HUTIRAY, Judit-THOMAS, Adrian S.: Total Quality Management II. - Serving the client, in other care with the customer and the guest. Kereskedelmi Szemle, Volume XXXVI. Number 7/1995
